Marketing Through the Visitor Cycle.

The sales funnel is extinct and if you don’t adapt, you might be, too.

Last year, I gave a presentation to an incredible crowd at the Arizona Governor’s Conference on Tourism to discuss Off Madison Ave’s work for the Arizona Office of Tourism.

At this year’s conference I was fortunate to meet several people who asked about that presentation, so I’ve posted it again for those who asked.

Within this presentation, information was presented that really reinforces the concept of the traditional sales funnel being a thing of the past. I detailed the concept that behavioral segmentation based on moment-in-time behaviors being the true key to marketing success in the increasingly fragmented world of online marketing.

Take a look at my presentation in its entirety and let me know what you think of the concept on Twitter: @RogerHurni



Digital Marketing: Social Media, Online, Internet Business, SEO

Behavior Strategist | Author | Keynote Speaker | Creative Director | Brand Strategist | Forbes Contributor