SMM Statistics for Small Businesses to Big Companies: Today Social Media Marketing News

Social Media Marketing are for any kind of business, from small business to big companies. However do you think you are ready for 2017 to promote your business? Read this first.

Recent Social Media Marketing Report for Small Businesses

This social media marketing report is useful to many small businesses. More than 40 percent of local businesses claimed that they depend on social media to generate brand awareness, and more than 40 percent depend on it to drive revenue.

When you consider to place ads on social media platform, only 8 percent of social media marketers worldwide said Facebook produced the best ROI. Interestingly, almost 3/4 (73 percent) of active pinners and 89 percent of daily pinners have bought something new they discovered on Pinterest.

So what does that mean? Not all social media are equal. According to digital marketing firm Digiday,

while YouTube attracts an even split of women and men, it is still fairly male-dominated. Men spend 44 percent more time on the site per month, and in 51 categories of content, men make up the majority of viewers in 90 percent.

Instagram, in contrast, boasts more women than men (65 percent) as does Facebook (57 percent). As you plan your programs, keep these demographics in mind.

8 companies doing social media right and what marketers can learn from them

Everyone can use social media to promote their products, but the question is: are you reaching your audience on social media the right way?

According to Columnist Jordan Kasteler, few companies are doing great social media marketing. These companies are great examples to show how marketers should learn from them. These companies can be good examples for small business owners to do marketing.

Originally published at .

