Think Mobile First: How to be A Clever Digital Marketer?

By Tony Yeung, originally published at Apartment Number 2 “ Think Mobile First: How to be A Clever Digital Marketer?”


How to be a clever digital marketer in 2017?

Have you adopted the idea of mobile first?

In this article with a detailed infographic, I will show you why “mobile first” idea is necessary for 2017.

The Growth of social advertising

Did you know that 60% of Twitter users access via their mobile devices at least once per month? In fact, mobile users share more contents than desktop users.

According to Unified Social, the social advertising market grows to $11 billion in this year. Mobile users will become a very important target. When mobile device usage is at an all-time high, the more advanced mobile device becomes part of our life, such as communicating, working, and shopping.

Think Mobile First: How to be A Clever Digital Marketer from Tony Yeung, Toronto Social Media Marketing Specialist

What You need to Know about Mobile Marketing

Many people access websites through their mobile devices, and that makes business owners to adopt the new ideas or technologies that will drive traffic to their website.

Here are some ideas for getting more mobile users attention:

  • Content is the king and should come first: the mobile users are looking for personalization and relevance contents in their mobile searches. The visitors can quickly know when their needs aren’t being met. So, focusing on the localised content is the key.
  • Video content is important. Video content reaches more audience than any standard audience. Short video ads are viewed more often on mobile phones. The business owners should take the advantage of video content viewing on mobile phones. It has the highest chance of increasing the brand awareness. Short and informative video can generate more site traffic and better conversion rates.
  • Your content (i.e. website) needs to be responsive. This is the biggest change from desktop access to the mobile devices. When a website is accessed from a mobile device, people are expected to read clearly and quickly. They should be able to touch your company’s phone number on the screen and begin a call automatically. Easy to use your site without a keyboard can affect your conversion rates.
  • Design your website primarily for the mobile devices and then change it for desktops. We used to design a website for desktop first. We need to change this for adopting the mobile-first marketing. Don’t try to squeeze your full website’s content onto a page of your mobile site. It does not work. The mobile users prefer to have a clean and simple page with the option to expand on different subjects. Too many words or links will turn your customers away.

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About the Author

Tony Yeung is a digital marketing specialist and the owner of Apartment Number 2, a consultancy focused on helping entrepreneurs and marketers see results with SEO, social media, and content marketing. Apartment Number 2 has worked with a range of clients from Publishing Company and Medical Company to a new startups.

