AI & SEO: Boost Your Site

Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍
3 min readMar 1, 2024
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how we manage and improve websites for search engines. This shift offers exciting opportunities but also presents challenges. Here’s what you need to know.

AI’s Role in SEO

AI helps understand what makes content good for users and search engines. Tools powered by AI can analyze top-performing content and suggest improvements for your website. This means you can create content that both people and search engines will love.


  1. Better Content Creation: AI tools can suggest topics that are trending and help tailor your content to match what people are searching for.
  2. Improved User Experience: AI analyzes how users interact with your site, making it easier to tweak designs and structures for better navigation.
  3. SEO Tasks Automation: From keyword research to tracking rankings, AI can automate tedious SEO tasks, saving you time.


  1. Staying Human: AI can help create content, but it’s vital to keep a human touch. Content that feels too automated may not resonate with your audience.
  2. Understanding AI Limitations: AI is powerful, but it’s not perfect. Relying solely on AI without understanding SEO fundamentals can lead to mistakes.
  3. Keeping Up with Changes: As search engines evolve with AI, staying updated on the latest trends and how they affect SEO strategies is crucial.

What You Can Do

  • Use AI tools to get insights on content and SEO performance, but always review suggestions with a critical eye.
  • Keep learning about SEO basics. Understanding the core principles will help you make the most of AI.
  • Focus on creating content that answers your audience’s questions and provides value. This approach never goes out of style, no matter how much technology changes.

AI and SEO are a powerful combo for boosting your site’s visibility and user experience. By embracing both, you can stay ahead in the fast-evolving online space.



Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍

Tech innovator & digital strategist. Passionate about merging creativity & tech to drive change. #TechLeader #Innovation