Boost Your SEO: Link Tactics

Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍
3 min readFeb 27, 2024
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

Why Internal Links Matter for SEO

You’ve got a website. You want people to see it. Google needs to find and like your site. That’s where SEO kicks in. One big player in the SEO game? Internal links. These are links that go from one page on your site to another. Simple, right? Let’s dive into how they can give your site’s SEO a serious boost.

Easy Navigation Wins

Think of your website like a maze. Internal links are the signs that guide visitors and Google through it. If they’re good, everyone finds their way easily. This helps visitors stay longer and explore more. For Google, it means understanding what your site is about. More clarity, better ranking.

Link Juice: Spread It Around

“Link juice” sounds weird but stick with me. It’s the value passed from one page to another. Your homepage probably gets the most visits, right? Link from there to other pages. This shares the love, or “juice,” making those linked pages stronger in Google’s eyes.

Anchor Texts: Choose Wisely

Anchor texts are the clickable words in a link. Don’t just use “click here.” Use words that tell both users and Google what the linked page is about. Got a page about “best running shoes”? Make those your anchor words. It’s a signal to Google that your content matches what people are searching for.

Keep It Fresh

Websites grow and change. Old links might break, or you might add new, cool content. Regularly checking your internal links keeps them up-to-date. This way, you make sure Google and visitors always find the good stuff.

Not All Pages Are Equal

Some pages are more important than others. Make sure they get more internal links. This tells Google they’re VIPs on your site. Think about linking to your product page more than your privacy policy.

Mix It Up

Don’t just link from text. Use images or buttons, but remember to tag them properly with alt attributes. This variety can engage users differently and enhance your site’s SEO through diverse link formats.

Using internal links smartly can really push your site up in Google’s rankings. It’s about making your site easy to navigate, spreading link value, using the right words, keeping things updated, prioritizing key pages, and mixing up how you link. Simple moves, big SEO wins.



Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍

Tech innovator & digital strategist. Passionate about merging creativity & tech to drive change. #TechLeader #Innovation