Keyword Wins: Simple Tactics

Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍
3 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Unlocking Success with Simple Keyword Strategies

Keywords: they’re not just tech jargon; they’re your secret weapon in getting noticed online. You might think it’s all about big words and complicated tactics, but let me tell you, sometimes the simplest strategies are the game changers. Here’s how you can make keywords work wonders for you, without all the fuss.

Keep It Real

Forget about stuffing your articles with as many keywords as possible. Instead, think about what you or your friends would type into Google when looking for something. Use those phrases. It’s about being genuine and answering real questions.

Go for the Gold in the Niche

Instead of fighting for attention in a crowded space with popular keywords, look for niche topics. These are the golden spots where you can really shine. It’s like being a big fish in a small pond. You get noticed more easily.

Use Tools, But Don’t Rely on Them Blindly

Yes, there are tools out there that can suggest keywords. They’re helpful, but don’t let them dictate everything. Your best tool is understanding what your readers want. Sometimes, a simple conversation can give you more insight than a keyword planner.

Update Regularly

Trends change, and so do the words people use to search. Keep your content fresh by updating your keywords from time to time. It shows you’re keeping up with what’s new and relevant.

Quality Over Quantity

Lastly, don’t just throw in keywords for the sake of it. Make sure they fit naturally in your content. Quality content that’s useful and interesting will always beat out a keyword-stuffed article. It’s not about who uses more keywords; it’s about who uses them smarter.

There you have it. Simple, direct, and without the complications. Keywords can really change the game if you know how to play it right. Start small, stay genuine, and watch your content grow.



Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍

Tech innovator & digital strategist. Passionate about merging creativity & tech to drive change. #TechLeader #Innovation