Local SEO Wins

Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍
3 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Local businesses face big challenges when it comes to getting noticed. With the right local SEO strategies, though, they can stand out. Here are real tactics that have transformed businesses.

Claim Your Business Listings

First up, make sure you’re on the map — literally. Sites like Google My Business and Yelp let you claim your business listing. Fill in every detail: address, phone number, hours, and services. Pictures help too. It’s easy but powerful. This makes it easier for people nearby to find you.

Optimize for Local Keywords

Think like your customers. What would they type into Google to find your services? Include those local keywords in your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and content. If you’re a bakery in Boston, use phrases like “best Boston cupcakes” throughout your site.

Encourage Reviews

Ask your customers to leave reviews online. Positive feedback on Google or Yelp boosts your visibility and trustworthiness. Respond to these reviews, good or bad. It shows you value customer feedback.

Use Local Media

Getting featured in local newspapers or websites can drive attention. Reach out with interesting stories about your business. Maybe you’re launching a new product or hosting an event. Local media love local stories.

Mobile Optimization

Most local searches happen on mobile devices. Make sure your website looks good and works well on phones and tablets. Slow, clunky sites lose visitors. Fast, smooth sites win them.

Simple. Direct. Effective. These strategies have turned local businesses into local successes. They’re not complicated, but they require consistent effort. Start small, keep at it, and watch your business grow.



Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍

Tech innovator & digital strategist. Passionate about merging creativity & tech to drive change. #TechLeader #Innovation