SEO Updates: What It Means For You

Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍
3 min readMar 1, 2024
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

SEO changes fast. Google and other search engines update how they decide who gets to be first in search results. This article tells you what’s new and how it affects you.

1. Faster Sites Win

Google likes fast websites now more than ever. If your site loads slowly, it might not show up top in search results. Make sure your website is quick to load on phones and computers.

2. Quality Content Matters

Your website needs good articles or information. Google can tell if you’re just repeating the same words to trick the system. Write stuff that helps or interests people, and you’ll do better in search results.

3. Mobile First

Google looks at your mobile site first, not your desktop site. If your site on phones is bad, your search ranking can drop. Make sure your site looks good and works well on mobile.

4. Voice Search is Big

More people are asking Siri or Google Assistant for help. They use normal words, like asking a friend. Include these kinds of phrases on your site to show up in voice searches.

5. Secure Sites Are a Must

Websites with HTTPS are trusted more by Google. If your site doesn’t have HTTPS, it’s time to get it. It makes your site safer and can help your search ranking.

What This Means For You

Keep your site fast, safe, and full of good content. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly and think about voice search. Doing this can help more people find your site.



Aaron Bennett 👑
Seo By Jasmine 🔍

Tech innovator & digital strategist. Passionate about merging creativity & tech to drive change. #TechLeader #Innovation