The Top 5 Online Marketing Trends 2016 — ClapCreative

Clap Creative
Affordable SEO Services Los Angeles
4 min readJun 24, 2016


Online marketing has changed dramatically in the past few years. When Google released search their Panda and Penguin algorithm updates. The Internet has drastically altered the way in which information is shared, and has had a profound impact on marketing. Internet marketing can attract more people to your website, increase customers for your business, and enhance branding of your company and products. But not all online marketers found Google’s updates to be devastating. There are spiders and robots crawling through your site right now and trust me, it’s a good thing. In fact we like to ring the dinner bell for them so they will come see the new content we create for you. They come running for ClapCreative . Spidering and robots “Bot” software employed by search engines like Google and Bing to automatically roam the internet discovering al the new websites added to it by the minute. Each software program is unique and there are articles published regularly about what they are looking for at any given moment. Making sure your sites on page content that the viewer sees and the “tags” that the bots and spiders see is of critical importance. In may times this determines if you are #1 for a search term or on page 100. ClapCreative will build a road map for you to get to the first page for key words searches that your clients actually use. Interestingly fact: these tags are not always the first keyword search you might have thought of or used you.

The Top 5 Online Marketing Trends 2016


There are spiders and robots crawling through your site right now and trust me, it’s a good thing. In fact we like to ring the dinner bell for them so they will come see the new content we create for you. They come running for ClapCreative. Spidering and robots “Bot” software employed by search engines like Google and Bing to automatically roam the internet discovering all new websites added to it by the minute. Each software program is unique and there are articles published regularly about what they are looking for at any given moment. Making sure your sites on page content that the viewer sees and the “tags” that the bots and spiders see is of critical importance. In may times this determines if you are #1 for a search term or on page 100? SEO Company Los Angeles will build a road map for you to get to the first page for key words searches that your clients actually use. Interestingly fact: these tags are not always the first keyword search you might have thought of or used you.


Want to get on the first page of Google and do not want to wait? Just like that toll highway near you, you can pay to get places faster. Pay Per Click (PPC) and AdSense are two google products that will literally land you on the first page of Google for a price and then in a fairly creepy but ingenious way, keep your product or brand in front of the prospect as they search many other pages. Have you ever looked at a product then found that for the next 5 days after looking at it, it seems to be advertised on every site you go to. Even if you looked at a football and you are now seeing it advertised on a home building supply website? What an amazing coincidence, right? Wrong, that is likely Google AdSense and it works to keep your idea on your prospects mind anywhere they browse. We leverage these techniques and other great tools on your behalf.


I will never know why they keep stuffing flyers and letters in my mailbox in front of my home when email marketing, is a fraction of the cost, infinitely more trackable and I many cases more effective. When done right, email marketing is welcomed by the receiver and is arguably the most effective strategy for customer retention today. Sending general news or discounts is ok but not very innovative. ClapCreative knows how to assist you in designing efficient effective campaigns and setting up a CRM system to automatically send the right messages to the right audience maximizing your intended outcome.

  • Social Media Marketing Will Require More Diversity

In our opinion, this is ground zero for your marketing campaign. For better or worse according to Pew Research Center Surveys, 76% of internet users use at least one social media service; additionally 65% of adults use one or more social media service. That means that at any given time of the day you can reach between 65–75% of your target audience so long as you know how to find them, deliver to them, and get them to relate to your message on social media. Surprisingly, social media like Google advertising can be purchased. However, we believe the investing on the message has a more significant return on investment than just investing in the amount of people “forced” to see it through paid impressions. Coupling a genuinely creative message that hits your market on the nose is how you get a message to go viral is the gold standard of social media marketing and we strive for and carefully measure our campaigns to achieve this with our clients’ campaigns.

  • Content Marketing Will be Bigger than Ever

One of the main ways that companies are establishing authority and gaining trust with consumers is by consistently creating valuable content through a variety of channels. Think the internet cannot affect traditional media? Well we beg to differ. A well place press release that is both topical and timely can generate references in all media sources from Reuters, to NBC, to your trade journal. Additionally, press releases and using well thought out valuable content will separate your brand as an authority.



Clap Creative
Affordable SEO Services Los Angeles

Clap Creative is a Los Angeles based agency offering quality web design and online marketing services. Contact us or +13238632896