Will AI Kill The Content Writer Industry?

Brian Petersen
SEO Geek Lab
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2021
AI Content — Would It Kill The Content Creator Jobs?
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated with new tools and software, especially for SEO.

I might, in fact, suffer from the Shiny Object Syndrome :-)

However, it is not like I am buying every tool I stumble upon, but SEO automation tools and software usually get my attention.

AI And Content Creation

Recently I have seen a lot of tools being released for generating content by using AI.

They usually use GTP-3, a language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text.

Last week I ran a little experiment to see if it was possible to use a minimum of time and create a decent article with a minimum amount of work.

My goal was to create an article, do a little editing, and see what kind of content I could produce.

I decided that I would not use more than 15 minutes from I got the idea for the headline to the article was done.

In case you got curious, here is the final result which I published: If Content Is King; Who Is The Queen.

The entire article was written using AI and just edited by me — like removing stuff that was out of context and adding a few phrases and letting the bot do its work.

I am impressed — And Scared.

Are you scared of the future of AI Content?
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

I must admit that it was that easy — without even being used to the process, it was doable within my deadline of 15 minutes!

Imagine what this means if you hire a virtual assistant (VA) and then train your VA to create a ton of content for a blog.

Then you can teach the VA how to SEO optimize the content (There are tools for that as well)

Hiring a good VA cost about $500 per month — and imagine your VA can provide 5 high-quality 1000 words articles per day.

With 20 working days, that would be 100 articles a month!

Think about it, if you run a blog and add 100 quality blog posts per month and monetize it with Adsense… BOOOM! I bet it doesn't take that long time before the VA pays his/her own salary! ;-)

Tempting right? Feed Google and users with good content, and all are happy, and you even make money while you are sleeping! What's not to like?

The Scary Part Of Content Made by AI

Even it might be tempting to set up such a business; there is a downside.

Can you be 100% sure of the content being provided by the AI? What if you start to publish medical articles about health and the information is not accurate or misleading?

There is a good chance that AI content will be the new webspam — on the surface, it looks fantastic, but in reality, it might just be lengthy articles that go round and round the same topic to please Google and get a better position in the SERPS.

And what about ebooks? Now every fool with a computer can write a 50.000 page Ebook and publish it on Amazon.

You need a fancy title, a nice-looking cover, and 20–30 positive reviews, and you are on your way to your first paycheck as a writer (Or maybe it was your VA that wrote your bestseller).

Yes, I admit that the technology still requires human interaction, but we are getting closer — if you have a framework where you need to “Fill in the blanks.” and hit a button, and voila! Here is your book!

That thought is a bit scary!

The Future of Content Writing

I expect we would see many freelancers jumping to that kind of AI content tool in the nearest future.

It is a fast way to make money writing on general topics using AI.

Expert copywriters would still have an edge — they would have a deeper knowledge of a topic and can understand and comprehend better than a computer — at least for now.

If you got curious about using AI, I reviewed a new tool called Nichess you can read here.

Oh, and just for the record, this article has been written completely by me! ;-)

All the best,




Brian Petersen
SEO Geek Lab

My SEO journey started as a hobby that turned into a living. I love testing and tweaking, and coaching. Someone is going to rank one on Google, so why not you?