SEO Genius Week 5 Update

Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2021

I’ve decided to start putting our weekly reviews into a separate post.

That way, each post is more focused.

Which leads me to some big news…

One-Month Anniversary Review 🎂

Woohoo! We’ve been together for a month.

All the members have shown up almost every single day.

Why is that?

We added a $5 penalty…

Our shared spreadsheet with $5 penalty for every missed day

…and we check-in daily on our shared spreadsheet.

Example of check-ins with rare missed days

Scott remarked today he likes SEO genius’s group structure and finds it very easy to work.

Based on our group’s results so far, I have to agree with him.

That said, I’d like to make a quick prediction on how SEO will unfold for us:

  • Month 1 (Completed): Learning SEO Basics
  • Month 2 (In-Progress): Apply SEO to our own websites
  • Month 3: Results of work begin to show

Month 3 is the exciting month. But it’s all built on the groundwork for month 1 & 2.

So let’s keep up this great work going into month 2 :)

Here’s how the group members did this week:

Scott: Chose Niche

Week 5’s progress: 80% (12/15 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Picked niche: kitchen cookware/tools

What Did You Learn?

  • How to find low competition keywords
  • How to use google trends to analyze seasonality and the trend of niches

Why Is It Important?

Keyword research is the essential part of creating content that will rank and get traffic.

How Will You Apply It?

Continue building keyword research and also learn alternative methods from further along in the course

Plan for Next Week?

Begin module 4: Planning your site and follow along with the tasks.

(Rocky’s Side Note: You’re making really good progress, Scott! You’re almost caught up with Abdul-Rahman. Awesome work :-)

Abdul-Rahman Mostafa: Planned Site

Week 5's progress: 28% (4/14 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Completed site map using Dynalist
  • Made some adjustments to my Keywords list while putting together sitemap
  • Put together a list of potential domains to get feedback from the group

What Did You Learn?

Nothing new was learned this week.

Why Is It Important?


How Will You Apply It?


Plan for Next Week?

By next week I plan to have my site setup

Rocky’s Side Note: This is such exciting news, brother! The next part is the hardest but also the most profitable: content production.

Rocky: Long-Tail Keyword Research

Week 5’s progress: 33% (1/3 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Finished Fat Stack’s Long-Tail section

What Did You Learn?

Stick with what works. Don’t replace your old processes with new untested ones.

Why Is It Important?

I know seed keyword research is superior for new sites.

The problem?

It’s unproven.

This results in a ‘spray and pray’ approach to keyword research.

That’s no problem if you have the time and resources.

But if you don’t want to spend more time, stick with competitor-based keyword research for now.

How Will You Apply It?

  1. Perfect my current competitor-based keyword research

TEA: Working on On-Page

Tea isn’t providing a weekly review this week. He’s going to provide an extra big one next week :)



Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius

I’m an SEO trying to get better. I teach what I learn here.