SEO Mastery Week #2: Focus On a Niche

Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2021

Karate Kid wanted to learn karate fast.

So he tried to force his sensei to hurry up and teach him the ‘good’ stuff.

But his sensei said the same thing:

“Focus Daniel-san. One thing at a time.”

This focused approach allowed Karate Kid to learn karate faster than his opponents who’ve been doing it for years.

As Bruce Lee said:

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

I’m the man that’s practiced 10,000 kicks.

These past 2 weeks, I’ve been trying to roll out a niche finding machine…only to find out the machine wasn’t needed in the first place.


My main goal is to scale my existing sites NOT to enter new niches.

Focus on one thing at a time.

Scale your site first. THEN enter new niches later.

Which leads me to my new focus:

Solve the existing problems with my current sites.

Which leads us to this week’s progress report for the group…


Week 2’s progress: 0% (0/6 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Accepted Revisions on Sales Copy
  • Completed Marketing Plan Prep

What Did You Learn?

Define Your Goal. I spent the past 2 weeks creating a ‘niche-finding’ machine only to realize it doesn’t help me reach my main goal (scaling).

Why Is It Important?

“You need to choose one thing and ruthlessly eliminate everything else.” (James Clear)

I’ve lost focus on what’s important.

The reason is I stopped doing my weekly reviews. I’m going to restart it back up and commit to my #1 goal of scaling my affiliate sites.

How Will You Apply It?

  1. Set a weekly alarm for weekly review (9 AM Every Monday)


Week 2’s progress: 50% (1/2 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Reviewed Scraping Tool
  • Checked out Surfer SEO
  • Watched Content Module (Doesn’t Apply to Me)

What Did You Learn?

Nothing this week. I’ll share next week.


Week 2’s progress: 6% (1/15)

What Did You Do?

  • Brainstormed niches
  • Almost finished content from module 2
  • Experimented site idea and researched similar sites

Anything new you’ve learned this week? Be specific.

SEO is largely based on making an enjoyable site with interesting content and Amazon has reliable but fairly low affiliate programs

Why is the lesson important?

Because to understand what makes sites rank I will then be able to use this to get them ranked

How will you apply the new thing you’ve learned? Map out a step-by-step plan.

Research niches with affiliate programs besides Amazon to find as many as possible then pick an affiliate program



Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius

I’m an SEO trying to get better. I teach what I learn here.