SEO Mastery Week #4: Keyword Research II

Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2021

You should never copy your competition. Only use them to learn what works.

That’s something Tony Stark learned.

Stark built his first suit in a cave:

The Mark I Armor.

It was powered by his new arc reactor tech.

Iron Monger, Tony’s greedy business partner, simply stole his designs and arc reactor…

…but what he couldn’t steal was Tony Stark’s processes.

The How Tony Built His Suit

That’s why when he lost against Stark’s far superior Mark II.

The moment Iron Monger lost.

The same applies to keyword research.

Most SEOs steal their keywords from their competitors.

The problem with that?

High competition.

Instead, you should find keywords that your competition has NO clue about.

How do you find that?

By using a seed keyword.

This process takes 10X more time but gives you 1000X more results. I’ll cover it in detail next week.

Here’s this week’s progress for SEO Genius…


Week 4’s progress: 21% (3/14 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Expanded my commercial keywords list from 32 to 60 keywords
  • Added one new keyword research technique to notes (specific to finding keywords to build links to site)

What Did You Learn?

I learned 2 things this week:

Keyword research technique for link building keywords:

  1. Find high DR sites
  2. Analyze top pages by LINKS in Ahrefs
  3. Look for pages with large amount of backlinks
  4. Analyze the keywords for those pages, look for high KD keywords (make sure it doesn’t have a bunch of bad links)

Learned about dynalist tool to create a site map.

Why Is It Important?

This will help find keywords to build your sites DR which will give you authority and help build relevancy for the site.

Having a good site structure is important for the site SEO.

How Will You Apply It?

Already applied the new keyword research technique.

I will be using Dynalist to put together the site structure in the next work session.

(Rocky’s Side Note: That looks like a pretty cool tool. Mind showing us how you use it next week?)


Week 4’s progress: 0% (0/1 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Finished Authority Hacker’s module on understanding Ahrefs metrics.

What Did You Learn?

How to read Ahrefs metrics.

Why Is It Important?

Foundation of keyword research.

How Will You Apply It?


(Side Note: Tea is SO lazy with his recaps. We gotta teach this slacker some discipline 👊Who wants to help?)


Week 4’s progress: 20% (3/15 modules)

What Did You Do?

  • Researched sites with high traffic
  • Researched low dr sites that rank
  • Narrowed niches to 4

What Did You Learn?

Learned to find similar sites/competitors through viewing a sites low competition keywords in ahrefs

Why Is It Important?

It’s a good way of finding low dr sites that rank when struggling to find sites for a competitor list

How Will You Apply It?

I will use this strategy whenever I need to research new competitors for my niche

(Rocky’s Sidenote: Good work, Scott! Hopefully you find a good niche this week ;)


Week 4’s progress: 0% (0/6 modules — Reset with new course)

What Did You Do?

  • Diagnosed site problems
  • Watched Authority Hacker’s KW Research
  • Decided to put Authority Hacker down
  • Started on Fat Stacks Course
  • Finished Vid #1 of Fat Stacks Course

What Did You Learn?

Skim Course Before Learning. I ended up wasting a week’s worth of time on valueless content.

Why Is It Important?

Saves Time & Effort. Academics have to read hundreds of studies and books…in one semester.

How do they do it?

By skimming.

They quickly skim the most important contents (intro, conclusion) and decide if it’s worth their time.

This filtering process saves them hundreds of hours of unnecessary reading.

How Will You Apply It?

  1. Skip to section you need (Ex: Keyword Research)
  2. Skim PDF/video
  3. Does it have tips you’ve never heard of before?
  4. If not, skip. If yes, watch it.

I’ll apply this to the next book or course I consume.

Stay tuned for next week as I’ll be covering a new long-tail keyword research strategy ;)



Rocky Maksoud
SEO Genius

I’m an SEO trying to get better. I teach what I learn here.