Day 21 — Watch A Goanna Smile like a Winner $

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
3 min readJun 7, 2017

Day 21 and it’s time to talk about what I have achieved so far.

I could tell you a lot about my feelings, thoughts, emotional processes, but in reality what matters in business is numbers. Growth. Money.

I started a new marketing agency 21 days ago.

In 21 days I have invoiced the same amount that I used to make working as a scuba diving instructor in 12 months, over 10 years ago.

How life changes.


Goanna Social has achieved 23K invoiced for the first 21 days.
From that 8750 is monthly recurrent.
All in Australian Dollars

Whilst achieving this … I haven’t missed one single second of my family growing, of my new baby boy, or my 2 amazing older boys.

I haven’t spent one second listening to any rant, any complaint, any bad vibe, any troll, any doubter.

My life is now more a collection of No’s that are stronger than any YES or may be.

No Lazy days

No ultra-fast broadband (Internet speed here sucks)

No Silicon Valley Mentality

No Startup vocabulary

Not a lot of sleep (I hope I can change that)

No city office

Not a lot of “taking courses”

No “chats with Managers” or having “business lunch meetings”

No Secretary. No 1300 number. Not even a contact form on my website.

No “key” contacts to get me clients

No Decaf → screw that

No influencer marketing.

No Excuses.

The reality is that I have been blogging every day, working every day, pushing every day, and everyday while I take one step further I ask myself WHY …

Why the hell am I doing this?

And to be honest, I don’t know… I just know I need to build something.

BUT what am I building exactly?

And Once again…. I go back to the same answer:

No idea.

What I know is that the bricks of what I’m building are made of honesty, values, and I’m trying to put it all together with talent and humbleness. I want to bring an agency that is HUMAN for HUMANS.

Can I go higher? I’m just starting baby.

Watch me rise

I know I need to go higher because I know that eventually I may fall down
… and if I fall down… I want to be as high as possible to buffer altitude and keep grinding.

Day #21 Stats Goanna Social

Day #21 Hours worked: 7

Overal Hours worked: 135

Funds: $18440 AUD

Spent : $39 in this awesome App Sumo Deal!!!

Overall Income : $10500

Clients Pending : 4

Invoiced total

Phone calls: 1

Emails sent: 0

FB / Lead generation interaction: 0

Active Leads: 6

Proposals sent: 1

Feeling: Fresh as F*ck

72 days to go

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders