Day 22 — Social Media Experts? What about Human Experts instead?

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
2 min readJun 8, 2017

“Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It’s becoming the way entire bicycles are built.” Ryan Lilly, author

Marketing is SOCIAL = Human Business

Forget Social Media, let’s talk about Marketing. For Humans…
Today is day 22 and I’m 100% about being transparent… ready to talk to you, the audience in a real way, in the human way

Yes; There is no magic solution here, there is no limo driver, there is no fancy office.. there is only humans.

Humans that start businesses.

Humans that talk to each other

Humans that inspire and want to help…

Humans read and share

Humans raise each other.

Humans that tell stories that other humans tell to others.

That’s why I launched Goanna Social… because humanity comes before data… because storytelling will survive over Facebook or Instagram… because inspiring people it’s better than any Banner or PR strategy.

Today has been a great day to start telling our story in the way we deserve… and this is just the beginning .

Day #22 Stats Goanna Social

Day #22 Hours worked: 9

Overal Hours worked: 143

Funds: $18000 AUD

Spent : $400 in Video production

Overall Income : $12500

Clients Pending : 3

Invoiced total

Phone calls: 4

Emails sent: 14

FB / Lead generation interaction: 10

Active Leads: 6

Proposals sent: 1

Feeling: Happy

71 days to go

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders