Day 55: Real marketers Record Video (if you don’t then you are a chicken)

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
2 min readJul 27, 2017

Chicken Chicken Chicken

Writing it’s easy (yes, EASY…. stop telling the world how hard it is)


You just sit on your Fancy MAC and order another Latte on your local coffee shop and write… you feel like Hemingway… you feel like Seth Godin and you press PUBLISH and then BOOM! you are a blogger.


Well guess what? Anyone can do it.

Yes. I can steal content. Re-write it. Pay a ghostwriter. Get my awesome editor to check it, improve it, clickbait it… and PUBLISH.

You see? I’m a blogger… I’m an online journalist… I’m a writer.

Hey! I even wrote a book — how bloody hard can it be?

Sorry my dear Blogger, you are not really choosing the challenging path — the difficult path. You are going the easy path

EASY? Do I really think Writing it’s easy?

Yes. it is easy

You just have to do it daily. Do it all the time and eventually you will write something decent to publish .

But Video?

Video it’s a different beast, in video lying is more complex, there are no proofreaders, and if you script it… people find out.

In video you have to face your voice, your silence, your message, you need to face the camera, you need to wait for people to watch, in Video you can’t fake passion, commitment.

So video more….

Day #55 Stats Goanna Social

Hours worked: 8

Overal Hours worked: 344

Invoiced: $54500+

Received: $43500

Team size: 6 (may be moving to 7 next week)

Clients Pending : 2

Phone calls: 2

Emails sent: 52+

FB / Lead generation interaction: 0

Active Leads:5

Proposals sent: 3

Feeling: Happy

34 days go to

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders