Day 67: Why I haven’t written in 5 days and it’s okay

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
2 min readAug 23, 2017

It’s OKAY not to be OKAY.

It’s OKAY to stop a challenge to breath, to ask yourself important questions, to ask yourself if you are doing a challenge for the right reason.

I promised myself to write for 90 days — 90 days non stop… and 5 days ago I had to stop. I had to stop because I had to cry, I had to stop, I had to be able to embrace my vulnerability.


I started the challenge 70 days ago, the challenge was one: To create an Agency.

The goal was a financial goal: $20.000 recurrent revenue per month after 90 days.

I achieved it at day 57 (I think)

Then a bit of an emptiness landed.

The truth is that we don’t talk about the mental pressures, the sadness, the loneliness, the ghosts, the fears, the rejection, the trolls, ,the negative people….

No , I’m not crushing it.

No, I’m doing anything epic.

No, I’m not different.

I’m just doing what anyone could do.
What everyone should do.
What anyone that tries …. may achieve.

My process…. is not special.

We are all humans dealing with our own vulnerability ….

It’s the same process as any human takes, just told in a different way, by a different person.

I work and sometimes my work pays off. — But there is nothing unique about my experience — the only difference is that I’m documenting the process.

In 2 months I will be 40…. and many times I wonder if is worth to keep going.

Working it’s easy.

Winning it’s easy

Finding a cause that keeps you focus and you believe in… it’s not.

This whole idea of “paths”, “challenges” “blueprint” are usually strategies that our ego develops and it’s important to understand what is EGO vs what is a real path worth working towards.

So my 90 day challenge continues. I’m just taking things slowly this week, Taking care of my self it’s the most important part of the equation — and funny wise that is the part that Entrepreneurs forget the most.



Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders