Day 68: My Ninja Cold Email Guide — Steal my strategy

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
11 min readAug 26, 2017

This Guide is not 100% Finished. So be kind… I’m working on it… I just don’t have enough coffee at the moment…

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Before we start… what is Cold Emailing?

Cold emailing is a tactic that focuses on sending relevant, personalised emails to prospects that you’ve previously had no contact with. Did you read that part…? RELEVANT!!!!

So yes, Cold emailing in a few words It’s an outbound sales tactic that has gotten really popular and effective in the recent years.

Make sense?

Okay, let’s get started…


You know a better Ninja trick? Share it with me: Add me as friend so i can update the file ;)

Next Document will be: How to EMAIL them → without spamming like a donkey.


How to write Cold Email from start finish?


  • Know who you’re writing (find the person in charge!)
  • before pursuing a prospect, you need to gather some background informations. These informations are usually about what industry this person comes from, what are the needs of this industry.
  • Set a defined number/s from your pool of prospect lead
  • choose at least 3 names from your list, then e-stalk them. You can search information and gather data like from their skills, how they recommend people, how they’re being recommended by others, and Job Description. In addition to this, Social Media engagement of the person could be a great help as well.

Characteristic of Good Cold Email

  1. Remarkable Subject Line
  • Subject line is the key to form a relationship with the prospect, work on delivering remarkable subject line by spending 70% to 80% of the time on it.
  • Raise curiosity, give ideas, advice, and tips.
  • In order to catch the prospect’s attention and respond to your cold email, you must add value to it. Adding value can entice the prospect to view or read it.
  • Don’t make your Subject Line vague and too generic, be personal and brief as much as possible.

2. Impressive Content

- Contents must be brief and straightforward.

- Short but still shows the benefits to entice prospect and keep them reading.

- Show thoughtfulness and empathy to get them engage with a conversation.

- focused on the idea or benefit share.


  • Cold email must be brief and short, the content per email must focus only on one point.
  • You can send different email to the prospect containing different points of discussion, by doing so, the prospect would not get over loaded with vast informations comprised in an email.
  • Pertain to the addressee on first and second person basis only.
  • Mentioning the name of the company several time shows the importance you give them.

3. Credibility

  • Some cold emails are being ignored because most people are being skeptical about it, and might think that it is not credible.
  • Ensure that your content is incorporated with facts, statistics, and only relevant informations to add real value, and build the trust and confidence of the prospect.
  • Never claim without proofs, this will look suspicious for the reader.
  • To add up on your credibility, use names like titles, press, affiliations, big customers, and investors.

4. Effective Call to Action (CTA’s)

- Every email needs a strong Call to Action. This is the last impression the prospect have.

- Make it simple but direct. Do not overload.

- Inclusion of incentive and enticing offer for the prospect is an effective way to make a Call to Action.

- Make sure to eliminate decisions, complexity and choice.

How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing — Manually.

This is a document you can use as a reference to give to any VA.

I personally make 70% of my income from cold approach. But instead of blasting 1000 emails per day, I usually work towards sending very sniper accurate messages

In this case scenario, I will be targeting Accounting Firms.

I truly believe any company needs SEO

If they rank well? → can we improve conversion

If they have an SEO company → can we make it better for them

If they are ranking in second page… can we take them higher.

Enjoy the file and if you have ideas… let me know please

How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing


  • Using google, search for a list of companies or establishments you are targeting for your cold email. For example, let’s say you are targeting accounting firms.

In most cases, the details of the people from top ranked companies are really hard to find so we are just going to find those who are in the lower ranks but still belongs to a great company.


  • Go to the company’s website and check the “About” or “About Us” page.


  • Find who is in-charge by clicking “who are we”, “our team”, “our people”, “meet our team” or any pages that indicates about the people who are behind the company. In this case, Altus Financial is using “our people”.

As you can see, most of them are directors. We will be searching for the managing director since he is the first one on the list. When you hover your cursor to his picture, you will see this:


  • View the profile of the person in charge so you can see the details provided.

You can immediately see his contact details on the left side. It provides the Linkedin profile, the email address and the phone number. You can also potentially search his social media profiles by searching his name + social media platform. For example, Roy Ditmarsch facebook or Roy Ditmarsch twitter.

For this company, it is an easy search because their team wanted to be contacted directly that’s why they provided visible contact details for the people who visit their website. Unfortunately, most companies are not like them. You need to dig deeper just to get the name of the CEO, Manager or Director.

For example, let’s find the CEO of this big company called KPMG Australia. If you go to their “About” page, all you can see is this:

There are no tabs or pages that shows the people who are working for this company. Even if you try to go to their contact page hoping to get at least the email address of the company, there is none but a submission form.

In this case, you will need to search deeper. And to make it easier, luckily, there are some tools or softwares that you can use to do it. But first, let’s use the main basic tool which is Google search.


  • Search for the CEO by typing the name of the company + ceo.

**IMPORTANT: Make sure your google search URL is based on the country of the company. For this Australian company, is used. Doing this will make your search results more specific.


  • Once you have the CEO’s name, you need to have the email. To do this, search again still using for name + email or company + name + email. It depends on what search term will work.

If you can’t find any email address on those following links provided, you will now use a tool called

You have to login first to get results. If you don’t have an account, make one. This tool does not accept personal emails like @gmail, @yahoo, @me etc. You should provide your company email. For example, Make sure that the email address is real because you still need to verify your account. If not, you will not be able to use this tool.

  • Next, you need to put the website URL of the company. Since KPMG have offices in other countries, you should specify the country you are searching for. So since it’s Australia, you will put to the search bar.

If the results are too broad, you can search for the name of the CEO.


For this name Gary Wingrove of, the common formats of emails are following:


Try all those formats until you get a positive result like this.

For more email finder tools, you can check them all here:

How to Clean Up Scrapped Contact Details

Scrapped contacts is a file with a massive contact details gathered by a software. This is an alternative way of getting contacts faster for cold emailing. This is how it looks like:

As you can see, there are blank details on the list. And another thing, the Name and Last Name section is not properly provided.

Having a scrapped file would make your life easier in searching contacts but you still have some cleaning up to do.

Here are the following steps on how to clean up a scrapped contact details.


  • Check the domains first. Make sure that the websites are working.

Avoid those websites with the ff. domain suffix:

  • .gov — government
  • .edu — educational
  • .org — organizations/charity

Also, avoid those websites that has adult contents in it like pornography.


  • Make sure that the company name (name of the site) is correct.


  • Check the most important details which are the Name, Last Name and Email.

Sometimes, the full name is already provided under the NAME section so all you need to do is to separate them. If there is no name and email provided, just follow the steps in “How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing”.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the emails belong to the person’s name as much as possible. For example, Linda Hammond’s email is This means that when you email her using that email address, she directly receives it.

If the email starts with info@ hello@ support@ sales@, those are general emails. It could possibly mean that many people who were assigned in the emailing task will be able to receive it. There is a big chance that your email will be ignored. So, if the provided email is a general one, use the STEP 7 of “How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing”.


  • Fix the format of the Telephone section. Usually, scrapped details provide this kind of format.

Here’s how to fix it:

From — ph:+61–28–1889414 — -to — — (02) 8188 9414

+61 means 0

Remember: Only use 1 phone number.

Another ways to check in BULK if the email is valid or not.

How to Clean Up Scrapped Contact Details

Scrapped contacts is a file with a massive contact details gathered by a software. This is an alternative way of getting contacts faster for cold emailing. This is how it looks like:

As you can see, there are blank details on the list. And another thing, the Name and Last Name section is not properly provided.

Having a scrapped file would make your life easier in searching contacts but you still have some cleaning up to do.

Here are the following steps on how to clean up a scrapped contact details.


  • Check the domains first. Make sure that the websites are working.

Avoid those websites with the ff. domain suffix:

  • .gov — government
  • .edu — educational
  • .org — organizations/charity

Also, avoid those websites that has adult contents in it like pornography.


  • Make sure that the company name (name of the site) is correct.


  • Check the most important details which are the Name, Last Name and Email.

Sometimes, the full name is already provided under the NAME section so all you need to do is to separate them. If there is no name and email provided, just follow the steps in “How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing”.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the emails belong to the person’s name as much as possible. For example, Linda Hammond’s email is This means that when you email her using that email address, she directly receives it.

If the email starts with info@ hello@ support@ sales@, those are general emails. It could possibly mean that many people who were assigned in the emailing task will be able to receive it. There is a big chance that your email will be ignored. So, if the provided email is a general one, use the STEP 7 of “How to Find Contacts for Cold Emailing”.


  • Fix the format of the Telephone section. Usually, scrapped details provide this kind of format.

Here’s how to fix it:

From — ph:+61–28–1889414 — -to — — (02) 8188 9414

+61 means 0

Remember: Only use 1 phone number.

Another ways to check in BULK if the email is valid or not.

Want to lear more about cold emailing? Check my Group



Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders