Day 71: If I could go back and do things Different…. 70 days ago….

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
2 min readSep 1, 2017

If I could go back in time and change the way I did things building my agency, I would have done a few things different.

Here are 25 things that I would have done better → that I didn’t do enough and I regret today on day 71

  1. Invest more — -> faster (specially on staff)
  2. Scale my cold emailing strategy. (build system, hire people, set and forget)
  3. Write more (yeah for real)
  4. Write outside Medium (I love medium but focusing on Medium it’s not great)
  5. Build a Linkedin Group
  6. Build a funnel earlier
  7. Hire Australia staff from day 1
  8. Work harder in building a community (join my group on FB here)
  9. Building Guidelines and SOP from day #1 for my staff.
  10. Invest less in Software and more in procedures
  11. Drink less coffee (for real)
  12. Have a Content Calendar
  13. Be less romantic with my niche/client selection (some industries may seem awesome , specially when targeting new clients… but awesome doesn’t equal = profitable
  14. Do not offer Social media as a service . (there is not a lot of ROI on that)
  15. Avoid hiring overseas writers. (Stop outsourcing writing — -> do it all in house)
  16. Get a MacBook Pro 2017 since day one. Amazing machine. I love it
  17. Spend more time split testing everything.
  18. Workout
  19. Cancel more subscriptions.
  20. Do let’s “trials”
  21. Make more calls
  22. Do 100% cold calling
  23. Do webinars (not watch, but do)
  24. Sleep more
  25. Laugh more

20 days to go…. $93.000 invoiced so far…..



Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders