Day 90 — I finish the 90 Day Challenge Building a marketing agency

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
4 min readOct 2, 2017

Yes. This is a delayed update about my 90 day Challenge building a digital agency.

To start by confessing that I failed at the idea of daily blogging.

Technically the idea was cute… but in a real world it became impossible.

My agency grew, I got new opportunities and I failed at documenting EVEYTHING.

So what happen?

To recap let’s start from the beginning…..

My goal was to launch a Digital Marketing Agency in 90 days and achieve 20K per month of revenue. Simple right?

well challenging….

let’s go with the Basics

Did I achieve that? Yes

In how long? It took me 56 days… here is the post?

what happened after day 56?
I got stuck and although the agency grew … I lost momentum…. (more about this later)

how did I get my clients (my favourite question) ? Via Cold Approach, Content Marketing and Social media mainly.

how long did you work?
and Insane amount of hours…. too many hours… to many…

was it worth it?
Yes and No.

Yes because these beautiful people in the picture… showed me how important is to focus and achieve your goals… I own them everything

outdoor cinema in Winter is a bad idea

My health suffered… I felt a huge pressure to build something so public.

You see I not only build an agency, I build my brand… I put myself out there. The daily blogging became a nightmare and every day I suffered of constant doubt…

Is this worth it?

is this making me happy?

how more clients to I need to achieve?

am I doing a good job for my existing clients?

It became a mess ….

Before you ask…

Yes. I lost clients and I made tons of mistakes.

My biggest mistakes was to think that momentum was enough… and that I could do it all.

I outsourced a lot, but I didn’t outsource the smart way in many cases and I didn’t

Overall my business made over $100.000 in revenue (before tax) and a decent margin of profit. (More than 70%) .

My team grew to 5 outsourcers and a digital marketing manager …..

We sold over 12 web design projects

We worked on 10 SEO projects

We closed more than 14 recurrent clients (not all of them are active at this exact day)

and overall I build an agency that it’s here to stay.

These is what happen in the last 90 (almost 120 by now) days

I launched an Agency

We sold SEO services

I started my new book

I lost my dog and I almost stopped my project — I cried a lot!

I became Head of the Warrior Forum

I build a Facebook group with 4500 members

This little ET (My amazing Luca) grew in front of me and melted my heart daily

I recorded a lot of videos!!! I even hired a Videographer!

We bought a new car

I failed as a Farmer

I invested my funds in my favourite 2 partners (my 2 older boys)

99% of the time I had no idea what I was doing

I launched a piece of software

I drank more than 300 cups of coffee for sure

and overall I managed to achieve something that makes me proud….

What’s next?

Keep challenging myself?

Drink more coffee?

stop drinking more coffee?

— -> Writing 12 books in 12 months perhaps ? ← — (wink wink)



Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders