Comparing Google Ads with Facebook Ads

Khushi P
SEO | Local SEO | Digital Marketing
5 min readJan 24, 2023

There are two major online paid advertising platforms in the world: Google AdWords (AdWords) and Facebook Ads. In order to maximize visibility and increase leads and sales, you can use Google ads Facebook ads, or a combination of both based on your business needs.

Is it better to advertise online with Google Ads or Facebook Ads?

Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads work differently. Advertising on Google is mostly demand-driven, meaning one goes to Google to learn or buy. Advertising on Facebook, on the other hand, base their advertising on finding the right audience and expecting them to act.

When you are new to online advertising, it can be overwhelming. Once you learn the difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads, you can plan more effectively when and where to advertise.

There is often confusion among small businesses about which platform is best to advertise on the Internet. Let’s learn more about Facebook Ads versus Google Ads.

Reaching the right audience vs meeting the demand

Typically, Google Ads are driven by demand, meaning people go to Google looking for information or to buy. It is a good option if you wish to stimulate quick sales or conversions and therefore reach out to those users with high purchase intent. Learn how to rank higher in Google Ads by keeping your ads at the top of the page.

Because Google Ads is search-driven, you can usually expect to get a more accurate result. You can also take advantage of other advertising networks provided by Google, such as Display Ads, which is based on placement.

In contrast, Facebook ads aim mainly at finding the right audience to show ads to and expecting them to take action. They help introduce brands and their products to potential customers.

You need to optimize Facebook Ads for them to perform at their best. If you fail to reach the right audience, Facebook Ads can drain the budget fast with a minimal return.

Market share and reach

As a result, you can reach a significant number of people using both Google and Facebook. Facebook has 1.9 billion daily active users, while Google receives an average of 5.4 billion searches each day.

In order to build ROI-driven campaigns, you need to identify the right audience on Facebook and keywords search volume on Google.

Although Google Adwords dominates the search ad space, you can also take advantage of other Google advertising networks. Here are some of them:

Facebook is best known for its news feed, but they have also worked over the years to boost their network, including:

Costs of Facebook ads vs Google ads

Google Ads is primarily based on a CPC model, while Facebook Ads are based on impressions. One of the important differences between the two is this.

In most cases, Google charges you when someone clicks on your Ad. In Facebook’s case, it charges you when your Ads are shown to certain people based on your target audience.

Most advertisers wonder which option is the cheapest.

We all want to know if Google or Facebook is the best and cheapest medium for advertising, whether we are local businesses, online retailers or drop shipping companies.

The correct answer depends on a variety of factors as to which of these two advertising platforms is cheaper.

The cost and outcome of both platforms are heavily influenced by competition.

It is easier to estimate the cost of Google Ads to reach an ROI once we know the set of keywords, their search volume, and the competition.

It would be necessary to consider separate parameters for Facebook Ads cost planning, such as cost per thousand impressions, clicks, and conversions.

Results from Facebook & Google Ads in a timely manner

Often, businesses need results fast, so the question arises: which platform can produce them faster?

It depends on various factors, but for most businesses, Google Ads can produce results quickly. Considering Google Ads is demand-driven and based on keywords, simply knowing search volume and competition can help predict results.

Factors that take time

Ads on Facebook: Finding the right audience for the campaign may take some time.

Ads on Google: A Google Adwords automated bidding strategy may take some time to learn. If you have had a decent number of conversions in the past, the system may learn more quickly.

You can expect good results in a reasonable amount of time if you plan well from the beginning.

Audience vs keywords

Keyword-driven- Google Ads

Google search ads are mostly designed based on keywords, which means that Google will show ads to your target audience based on the keywords you specify in the Google Ads System. You can choose these keywords based on the products and services you offer. You can get keyword ideas from Google Keywords Planner.

In addition, you may need to check the average CPC (Cost per click) for individual keywords, as some can be very expensive depending on the niche you may be in.

Finding the right audience- Facebook ads

With Facebook Ads, we don’t have a keyword strategy. It’s all about showing relevant ads to the right people.

Compare Google Ads and Facebook Ads (Google ads vs Facebook ads)

Generally, as Google is a demand-driven site, you can expect a faster outcome if it is set up correctly. In spite of this, there is no definitive answer as to which is more effective. In contrast, finding the right audience for your Facebook ad can be challenging, but once you have the right audience, you can expect it to perform well.

In order to make automated bidding work, you may need to run your campaign using the CPC model first to get a decent number of conversions, then let the automated system take over. In order to get conversions, you may have to pay a bit more during the process, but after it has been fully optimized, it will perform better.

You can use videos, carousels, and images in Facebook Ads to create an impact on your audience.

Having trouble deciding which channel is best for your business? We’re a Facebook & Google Ads Agency contact us today.

Originally published at on January 24, 2023.



Khushi P
SEO | Local SEO | Digital Marketing

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