5 Effective SEO Strategies for High Content Ranking

John Mulela
SEO Techniques for high ranking
3 min readMay 7, 2021

It is every marketer’s objective to achieve high margins. Social marketing plays a vital role in enabling this. Various marketing techniques such as content writing require Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This will ensure high ranking on Google SERPs. Reaching your prospect customer is never a hustle any more, thanks to the best SEO strategies.

Imagine having your products reaching a large volume of potential customers. What determines your marketing content reach to customers are the strategies you adopt. Make use of these strategies to enable you reach your targets

Conduct Keywords Analysis

Your choice of keyword in the content you write is crucial. Search for the specific keywords performance before including them in your copy. There are available free and premium keyword analysis tools. Make use of one and you content performance will go to another level in the shortest timeline.

You need effective keywords analysis. Therefore, use of these tools makes your choice and analysis of keywords easy:

The given tools assist you get information on trending keywords. Good choice of keywords will meet the user intent. Furthermore, researching on social platforms such as Quora and Reddit helps in analysis of your keywords.

Write Quality Content

On average online content consumers take 55 seconds on a digital content. To increase the dwell time, the quality and structure of your article should be extra engaging. To start with, write short sentences and scannable paragraphs. Use of bullets will also work for your good.

Content with subheadings are easy to read. Most of the online content readers find it hard to spend much time on one article. In most cases skimming through the content works good for the average readers. In addition, info-graphics and high resolution images boosts the readers dwell time. Linking of one paragraph to the proceeding makes the content enjoyable. Leave your reader in a suspense and create a curiosity and anxiety. Strive to make your reader crave for more information.

Besides, use of rhetorical questions makes your reader enjoy reading the article due to its conversational nature. Make it more conversational by use of informal tone. The friendly tone also makes your content enjoyable.

Write Long Content

The length of your content determines the quality of information your publication offers to the reader. Short content will most likely provide the reader with inadequate information. A publication ranging from 1000 to 2000 words will cater for every aspect of your subject.

Long content ranks high on Google SERPs thus an added advantage in a having such a publication. Besides, ensure your content is fluff-free as this may lower its quality.

Use Authoritative Back-links

Linking to other authoritative publications increases the ranking of your content. Your content will appear in the SERPs first list together with the back-linked publication. Use of high-quality back-links works great in lead generation.

To effectively achieve high-quality results, your content must perform well, attain a quick loading speed and be engaging. Writing an informative content creates the readers’ desire to share on their social media platforms too. The number of the website visitors plays a bigger role in making your publication have high results. Guest posting on such websites will generate higher results and leads to your website.

Improve your site loading speed

The speed of your website plays a major role in determining the number of visitors it receives. Your site will generate low conversions depending on its speed. A slow-loading site pisses off potential customers hence making them opt for other available alternatives. On average, a reader will expect a site to load in less than 2 seconds. Delays in loading speed leads increases the site’s bounce rate.

Upon finding your site having loading problem, minimize the sizes and optimize the images. Compressing your website content enables improve the site’s speed too. Many people access online content from their mobile phones. optimizing your website for mobile will increase the number of visitors. As the number of visitors increase, it may lead to low speeds. There is a need to optimize your site speed to accommodate the largest possible number of visitors at a time.


Getting high conversion rates works for every marketer’s good. Implement every right content optimization guideline for efficient achievement of goals. Don’t make your site visitor spend the least time reading your content but ensure a prolonged reading stay time of more than 7 seconds. Follow the proper guidelines that will enable you easily achieve the desired returns.



John Mulela
SEO Techniques for high ranking

John is an experienced marketing expert, financial analyst and a freelance business writer.