Introduction to SEO

Claudiu-Octavian Soare
3 min readOct 17, 2020


Introduction to SEO — 2020 edition. Powered by SEOly

The Internet is over 30 years old and you’d think by now people would have figured the perfect way for every person to find what they are searching for and every business to reach every customer and potential customer at the click of a button. Can we read people’s minds? Not yet, Elon Musk, not yet!

Ellon Musk smoking weed

What we can do is use a combination of marketing and psychology to understand how website visitors to act and perform searches online, then using a long series of techniques like content and keyword analysis, website structure analysis, search intent, and more we can use data to optimize our presence on the internet and well...

The SEO Ladder
In case that wasn’t obvious…

… climb up the SEO ladder.

OK, but what does SEO actually mean? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which in reality means improving your website’s visibility and search, so you can obtain free traffic from people on the internet potentially interested in your content.

What is a search engine, you might ask? Well, basically a computer software designed to perform tasks like searching all the web pages on the Internet and presenting the user with a list of results, typically in the order of relevance to the intent of the search query.

A gif representing a Google Search bar

There is also a part of the internet called the dark web which is not searchable by conventional search engines, but let’s not get into that.

The most well-known search engine in the world is... you guessed it, Google!

According to StatCounter, Google has an overwhelming market share of 92%, followed by Microsoft’s bing with 2.83%, Yahoo 1.65%, Baidu 0.98%, Yandex 0.76%, and privacy-focused DuckDuckGo with 0.53%.

The ultimate goal of any SEO activity is this: getting ranked as high as possible on the first page of the search engine.

In fact, the position of the results determines if the visitor is more likely to click on one of them.

Almost 70% of all clicks happen on the top 5 returned search results of the first page of Google.

Therefore, the higher up on search results, the more clicks you will get.

Pretty crazy huh?

There are other tricks to learn like optimizing the search keywords, so you can target your potential customers’ search intent and much more!

We’re going to dive deeper into lots of these optimization techniques, but before we do that we should look back in time to see how we got here.

Thank you for reading!

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Claudiu-Octavian Soare

Senior Data Engineer | Indiehacker | I write about Software & Data Engineering, sometimes about both.