So… You’re New to Seoul Startups

Kaila J. Lim
Seoul Startups
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Welcome to the fire.

This beautiful community exists because of you.

What you’re building is hard — whether you’re leading a life of an entrepreneur, fund manager, designer, marketer, developer, you chose the startup path.

This means you opted for the path unpaved carrying a machete.

As I’m writing this post, Korea has started to lock down once again which forces us to get creative in getting people together.

1. What to do as a new community member

Drop your introduction in the #02_intros channel on Slack. How you like to show up to this community is 100% up to you. The only ask is that you show up as your full authentic self.

While you type it up, a reminder to mention some cool things like:

  • what you’re working on
  • how you can help
  • what you need help with
  • a personal fun fact

If you like what you read on Slack, say something. Life is short and Slack is one big party. The natural state is to engage.

Everyone joins a community because they want to connect. We’ve got your back, too. We hold ourselves to our Code of Conduct which you’re welcome to review. Essentially, it boils down to our one rule: Don’t be an asshole.

Slide into them DMs. Feel free to private message people on our Slack! The channels are ongoing threads of information but the best way to connect with someone 1:1 is to send them a DM. I do it all the time.

2. How to get more involved

Alright now we’re talkin’

Come through to our next event. We like to get together about once a month on Airmeet. If you’ve joined the Slack community, you’ll get an email invite with a registration link. We also post about them on our #events channel. Here’s some of our past events.

Let’s hangout if you’re in Seoul. When it’s safe, we gather in small groups of four to go for a hike or grab lunch. We plan a lot of these events about a week in advance and they’re posted on our #community_love channel. Keep checking it out or pitch an idea to grab coffee and folks will chime in. Sometimes, we like to meet in Jeju, too.

Use our Job Board to seek a new job or post one for your startup.

Sending links is a love language. If there is an awesome article about the startup scene in Seoul or a site or tool you love that helped build your business, share it in Slack.

Keep up with our weekly Substack newsletter. (Yes, we have two newsletters) News moves fast in Seoul and we curate the most interesting areas, the zeitgeist of the startup scene topics. We gotchu.

3. Grow with us

We are thrilled you decided to join and build this community with us. Similar to your own path, this is also growing without a map so we are figuring a lot out with you.

That’s what makes it fun and worthwhile.

Again, welcome to Seoul Startups ❤

