This Employee Loves the Planet (And Shows it!)

Sephora Life
Sephora Life
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

Did you know that Sephora’s Green Team began in the Property Development team? Jessica Young, Project Manager, Expansions & Remodels, has worked in this department in the six years she has been at Sephora, and has supported the Sustainability and Green Team through engagement events, volunteer activities, and even data collection and analysis. Learn more about how she lives a more sustainable life in and out of the workplace!

Please describe your sustainable activities at Sephora HQ.

In my role in Property Development, I’m part of a group that helps to redirect fixture components throughout the fleet. It’s a cost-saver as well as a sustainability measure, so Sephora really benefits when the team can make the call to redistribute parts to stores in need.

I’ve also been able to support a strategy shift in debris handling during Remodel execution. It allows the team to utilize third-party recycling contractors to handle waste during fixture installations. Historically, this was only utilized during new store construction, not open stores getting a little refresh. This was a small shift in thinking and some great teamwork that led to our ability to divert significant waste from landfills.

What inspired you to contribute in this way?

Waste Management hosted a community outreach classroom series at my Junior High and gave a quick lesson about trash and landfills. They loaned each student an empty hermit crab cage and asked us to set up the best possible landfill using trash from our homes. The next day, we all brought the little landfills back to class to review our layering strategy — the clear sides of the cages showed our work. It was a great hands-on lesson about the science behind landfills, composting, and why it is important to limit waste.

The lesson about waste reduction and personal impact to the community waste stream really stuck with me. I’ve been lucky enough to grow that knowledge through school and work experience, and to work for companies like Sephora that support sustainability engagement and outreach efforts.

Why is sustainability important to you?

I like this planet. If reusing an item, buying second-hand goods instead of new ones, or committing to being a single-car household can help keep all those things I appreciate about the planet around a bit longer, then I’m happy to contribute.

What are some things employees do to be more sustainable at work?

Lunchtime at the office is chock-full of opportunities for small changes that make a big impact over time. Each of our floors has a kitchen area that’s stocked with dish soap. Use these resources to wash utensils, cups, and other lunch items to reuse as much as possible. If you’re getting takeout, go to restaurants that use compostable packaging instead of single-use plastic containers.

