The Matrix for COVID-19

Sequoia Capital Publication
1 min readMar 20, 2020

We know everyone is besieged and befuddled by the unknown. Shown above is a quick, simple way to think about a future that none of us can predict. It is a matrix that presents the various possible decisions that all of us face. We wanted to share it with the hope that it can help everyone shine a light through the fog.

We all have to make our own decisions and every company’s situation is different — but, irrespective of circumstance and whatever you believe the future holds, employing this approach will make the consequence of the decisions clearer.

The act of planning is more useful than the plan itself. After using this framework, you should update your strategy every few weeks. Circumstances are changing rapidly; adaptability will determine the winners.

Founders & business leaders: you are welcome to download this template here.



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