Welcome to Space Camp: Mission 2 Start-ups Revealed

Seraphim Space Camp
Seraphim Space Camp
4 min readOct 12, 2018
The Mission 2 Cohort visits the Mars Rover at Airbus

Today, we’re excited to announce the start-ups that are participating in Mission 2 for Space Camp, the world’s first dedicated accelerator for global start-ups in the SpaceTech industry. Space Camp is a unique 9 week programme, culminating in an investor day on 20 November. Following Mission 1’s success earlier this year, we have expanded the cohort to 10 start-ups, featuring companies from the UK, USA, Spain, Norway, Sweden and Ukraine.

Launched by Seraphim Capital, Space Camp is being run from the London St. Paul’s offices of global law firm and Space Camp delivery partner Dentons. Our other partners include Inmarsat, Rolls-Royce and Cyient, as well as the UK and European space agencies, SA Catapult, and Capital Enterprise, alongside Seraphim Space Fund partners including Airbus, Surrey Satellite Technology, SES, and Telespazio.

As part of Mission 2, we have also launched our Fellowship programme for academics working on cutting-edge technologies. It will show post-graduate and post-doctoral students what the path to Series A investment looks like, exactly what corporates are interested in and help them understand how to commercialise their ideas and turn them into an investable proposition.

Space Camp Director, Rob Desborough said: “We’re excited to welcome a new cohort to the Space Camp programme, expanding on the first cohort to help ten startups. This follows the incredible response to the first cohort, with four out of the six members each securing offers of investment of at least £1m.

We are looking to identify the top 1% of seed-stage SpaceTech start-ups to participate in Space Camp, and it was a rigorous process with our partners to narrow down the applicants to the final 10 start-ups that have now embarked on Mission.

Mission 2 Cohort

Ansur (Norway and Spain) provides software for mission-critical satellite communication of multimedia content, reducing bandwidth by 99% and increasing efficiency by 100 times.

CyStellar (Sweden and UK) is a geospatial intelligence company that delivers real-time insights that companies in the insurance, logistics, and agriculture sectors need to support data-driven strategic and operational decision making.

Entopy’s (UK) IoT end-to-end solution, Tracca, enables real-time visibility into supply chain and industrial environments. They have overcome challenges in battery life, security and scalability in order to provide new highly granular insights and analysis. Entopy has gained significant traction delivering successful pre-market trials with the likes of Sainsbury and will launch later this month.

KETS Quantum Security (UK), is the only company with a complete integrated on-chip quantum encryption solution to secure the information technology of the 21st century and beyond.

LunaSonde (USA), one of our two fellowship companies this year, ‘sees inner space from outer space’, using small satellites to scan the globe and build an atlas of valuable underground resources, with an immediate focus on water.

NuQuantum (UK), coming out of the University of Cambridge and our other fellowship company, has developed faster and more secure cryptography techniques designed to be fit for purpose in the quantum age, as existing cryptography will be severely compromised by the increasing sophistication and availability of quantum computing.

Quantum Light Metrology (UK), are developing ultra-compact, high-precision quantum optical sensors. QLM’s drone-mountable methane leak detector offers a tool for the oil and gas industry to reduce emissions and improve safety while significantly reducing operating costs.

Skyrora (UK) is an Edinburgh-based launch vehicle designer, manufacturer and service operator. It is developing a low-cost, personalised service to meet increasing demand for small satellite launches, that will ensure satellites are placed in the most effective orbit. It plans ot be deploying small satellites from the UK by the early 2020s.

Sofant (UK) is developing a new antenna technology that extends the range of high-frequency radio networks by more than 10 times, making the deployment of such networks vastly more economically viable. It consumers 70% less energy than existing technologies, enabling wireless service providers to significantly reduce costs.

Vidrona (UK) is a precision predictive asset management company specialising in the energy industry. Traditional methods of asset inspection are expensive, inaccurate and unreliable. Vidrona’s vSense product uses artificial intelligence and variety of automated platforms such as UAVs and ground robots to enable energy companies to manage their maintenance activities more proactively while reducing their operational expenditure and increasing their return on investment.

Read more about Seraphim Space Camp: our past and future mission companies, our latest news and our team here.



Seraphim Space Camp
Seraphim Space Camp

The latest news from the team behind Space Camp: the new accelerator program for SpaceTech startups and supported by @SeraphimCapital