Serendeepia Research

Eva Lopez - Serendeepia
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is the new black

SERENDIPITY: An ability for making desirable discoveries by accident.

Welcome, you’ve arrived to Serendeepia Research’s blog. This is our first post and, If you find yourself here it’s because you’re interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Let’s start from the beginning, who we are and why do we exist? Serendeepia is a startup created by researchers and entrepreneurs to solve the new challenges and opportunities that Artificial Intelligence is bringing to our lives.

15 years ago, when the popular recognition of Artificial Intelligence only appeared in science fiction films and books, the seed of Serendeepia was planted. The creators of this project met during their PhD’s, but time took them apart, growing in their own areas, in different international companies and learning the skills and knowledge that today, 15 years later, have made Serendeepia possible. Now, they’re experts in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial Cognitive systems, Neuroscience and Digital Business.

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence has become a central aspect for many business models and across all industries. New advances in AI are fostering a new digital revolution that is going to shape the future, and it’s coming really fast. New algorithms and advanced techniques such as Deep learning are solving problems that 5 years ago seemed impossible to tackle. Talent is scarce in this arena and there are so many products to create, so many ideas to explore, that we felt the need for Serendeepia to exist.

And here we are. In this blog we’ll talk about the latest challenges, questions, advancements and controversy about Artificial Intelligence. We’ll try to solve popular doubts and fears and make AI more accessible to people, because we believe that Artificial Intelligence is not only the future, but the present of our lives and trust is built on knowledge.

So welcome to our blog. We hope you enjoy it and learn from our content. Also, We’re always open to talk, so any comments, information or point of view that you want to share will be highly appreciated.

