Jan 02, 2017 / #in2017


Guess what just happened? The greatest year of our lives is upon us! Wish you a happy, healthy and lucky new year. Lucky, as someone once told me is a multiple of opportunity and preparation. So, we ought to prepare. No?

Coming to the point, the link for the week (yes, I am hoping to be regular with these emails now — once a week) is http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/life-weeks.html. Read. Think. Figure out where you are and how do you want the chart to look like. And, tell me what did you think of it. Share the link with more people.

Also, I just put forth a list of things that I’d do in 2017. Its here. What’s on your list? How can I help you with it? Please do tell me and I would be glad to be of any help whatsoever.

And lets make 2017 the most amazing year yet. Here’s to the new year and new beginnings and getting lucky!

