Frameworks for extracting value from hard work

Ritabrata Maiti
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2022

You can read the original post from the Serenebase blog as well!

Picture this: you’re at work, slogging away at a task that’s just not interesting.

You’ve been working on it for hours, and you’re no closer to finishing it. You’re tired, and you just want to go home. Now imagine a different scenario. You’re working on a challenging project that you’re really passionate about. The hours fly by, and you can’t believe how much you’ve accomplished. You’re excited to get to work each day, and you can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve next.

Which of these two scenarios sounds more appealing to you? If you’re like most people, you probably prefer the second scenario. That’s because work is more enjoyable when it’s challenging and engaging. When you’re working hard on something you care about, it doesn’t feel like work at all. Of course, not all work can be exciting and fulfilling. Sometimes you have to do tasks that are just plain boring. But even when you’re doing those kinds of tasks, you can still find ways to make the work more enjoyable. Here is a simple framework consisting of five steps that you can use to make any task more enjoyable:

The first step is to understand the shape of work. Real work is not a straight line. It’s more like a spiral. You start at the outside, doing simple work that anyone can do. Then you do a little more complicated work, and then a little more, and as you go around the spiral you gradually acquire the skills you need to do more and more difficult work. Eventually you reach the point where you can do the really hard work, the work that only a few people can do. Most people never get to the hard work. They get stuck in the middle, doing work that’s not really challenging or interesting, because they don’t have the skills to do the hard work and they don’t know how to acquire them. They just keep doing the same kind of work, day after day, year after year. If you want to get to the hard work, you have to keep moving up the spiral. You have to keep learning new skills and taking on new challenges. You have to be willing to do work that’s outside your comfort zone. You have to be willing to fail.

The second step is to see clearly what kind of work you’re best suited for. Not all work is created equal. Some work is more challenging and interesting than others. Some work requires more skills and experience than others. And some work is just more fun than others. You’re never going to be the best at everything, so you have to figure out what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. Once you know that, you can start looking for work that’s a good fit for your skills and interests.

The third step is to aim as close to the true core of the work as you can. The closer you can get to the heart of the work, the more satisfaction you’ll get from it. And the more satisfaction you get from it, the harder you’ll work. The best way to find the true core of the work is to ask people who are already doing it. Find someone who’s doing the kind of work you want to do, and ask them what they love about it. What are the most challenging and interesting parts of their job? What are the parts that they find most fulfilling?

The fourth step is to accurately judge at each moment both what you’re capable of and how you’re doing. This is probably the most difficult part of working hard. It’s easy to overestimate your abilities and underestimate how well you’re doing. The key is to be honest with yourself. If you’re not sure whether you can do something, err on the side of caution. And if you’re not sure how well you’re doing, ask for feedback from someone who knows.

The fifth and final step is to put in as many hours as you can without harming the quality of the result. This is a balancing act. You don’t want to work too little, or you won’t get anything done. But you don’t want to work too much, or you’ll burn out. The key is to find a sustainable pace. Work as hard as you can for as long as you can, but make sure to take breaks and give yourself time to recover. And don’t be afraid to take a day off now and then. A little rest and relaxation can go a long way.

Working hard is not easy. But it’s worth it. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can achieve things that few people even dream of.

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