Serenity Financial team to attend Blockchain Life 2018

Serenity Financial
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018

On November 7th and 8th, Blockchain Life expoforum will take place in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It’s among the biggest international events on cryptocurrency, blockchain and ICO in Russia and Eastern Europe. According to its organizers, last year, over 70 companies from around the world participated in the forum, which attracted 5000 visitors.

This year, Serenity Financial is one of the forum’s gold sponsors. The representatives of our team will present Serenity projects at the forum’s exhibition. The main focus of the presentation will be our cryptocurrency exchange, which has entered the final stage of development. Token listing will be soon available on Serenity exchange, which means that this forum is a great opportunity to meet the teams behind various ICO projects and acquaint them with the capabilities of our exchange.

Anton Vasin, co-founder of Serenity Financial:

“Blockchain Life traditionally attracts the top players in the cryptoindustry, that’s why our main goal is to find like-minded people, tell cryptoinvestors about Serenity Financial and what advantages our company has to offer”.

Plan to visit the expoforum or want to learn more about Serenity Escrow and Exchange? Come to our booth (№32) on the 7th or 8th of November and meet the representatives of Serenity Financial.



Serenity Financial

The First Blockchain Escrow for Financial and Cryptocurrency Markets