User Experience, Marketing Research, & Summer Pilot

Co-Founder & HBS Summer Social Enterprise Fellow

Sergio Marrero
Sergio Marrero’s  Portfolio


Area: Analysis, User research, Marketing, Leadership, Pilot

I co-founded an organization named USAdelante focused on increasing the number of underrepresented college graduates and supporting the development of Latin@ leaders. Our goal was to create a ‘peer-to-peer’ coaching network. The Social Enterprise Initiative at Harvard Business School awarded me a Summer Fellowship position. During that time I developed a business plan, conducted extensive user testing and feedback sessions, marketing research, and engaged a team to create a mock of the user interface. Click here for the full report.

Sample analysis from the data collected over the summer pilot
Wordle’ capturing what they found most valuable from the pilot
Quotes from the pilot participants
Mock interface created by a developer to demonstrate the functionality of a mobile application

Click here for the full summer report

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