Erik the Wingman: Week 4

Monday (Erik is now WILL and colors)

Brian Oko
Serial Envisioner
2 min readJul 4, 2016


It’s fair to say that Erik was a legacy name, that came from the fact that when I conceive this idea, I was still living in Sweden. In the Northlands Erik is a typical name. Or at least I meet many people named Erik when there.

My girlfriend suggested changing the name to something shorter that had more name value. The bot does partly what Will Smith in Hitch. however Hitch doesn’t have a good sonority for a domain, but Will does. Plus, will it also has a more suitable meaning.

The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.

I found it perfect and it had several domains available.

The site is taking shape on a really rough way. Color transitions when scrolling, maybe some background animations. Still work to do.

