Erik the wingman: Weekly (2)

Monday 20 ( Wireframing )

Brian Oko
Serial Envisioner
4 min readJun 20, 2016


Today’s purpose was understanding better what makes Erik special by sketching the key screens that would be reflected on the video.

What makes a bot that coaches you to become more attractive to girls, special? What can you ask it? Apart of advice on seduction, does Erik provide complementary services?

The Sign Up page

The user is able to sign up by using social media services like Facebook but also using dating apps like Tinder or Happn.

Introduction to the service

Erik will introduce itself and the purpose of the service. It will announce the type of questions it can answer and additional services that are included within the app.

Exercises and Drills

If the user asks for specific exercises, like approaching a girl in the street or vocal tonality, Erik will provide with a step by step short guide and additional content if necessary. Erik can also recommend make the subject of the guide a routine by setting alarms, so the user can learn to dominate that subject.

Recommendation of dating places

Erik can recommend different bars, restaurants, pubs and other entertainment places that can suit the users preferences for a date if necessary.

Advice beyond a hook up

Eriks purpose is to help introverted men gain confidence on their dating skills by providing them with tips, tricks and assistance. When in a relationship, Erik will answer questions that probably matter to keep a smooth relationship.

Some features that can be interesting to add to the interface

  • Book a class
  • Related (podcasts, articles, videotutorials)
  • Phone advice
  • Keep yourself accountable (contact a friend to continue doing the drills)
  • Record date and get an expert to analyse it (privacy issues?, maybe it is like snapchat)

Thanks for reading if you have any additional questions or comments don’t hesitate to ask.

Tuesday ( High fidelity Wireframing)

I downloaded a messenger bot template for sketch and started placing the elements that would form Erik. What I don’t like is how generic it looks. I probably need to spend some time researching of other bots made on messenger.

Wednesday (Still Wireframing)

I’ve followed the Chatbots Magazine publication on Medium. Is a great source on how to make a bot and understanding the limitations of designing one. Cahtbost Magazine made me realise that the bot I want to design is complex in terms of responsiveness.

Chatbots Magazine article

Why do you design a bot without fully understanding your content? I don’t know. And that’s basically the problem I found today. The architecture of a chat branch needs to be thought through before forcing any wireframe.

If you happen to be a Life Coach, a Pick Up Artist or a Therapist give me a help me build a logic to a bot conversation.

Thursday (Wireframing and illustration)

The concept is rough but I’m sticking to make something in a month. It won’t be perfect but it will communicate what the product does and my intention for this project.

I forgot to tell that I decided to use Facebook as a platform, because Erik would have more exposure and promising capabilities of the platform.

That said, I’ve done the last bits of the wireframing and started some illustrations which will be part of the messenger chat bot cards.

Sketch of logo and illustrations

I explored the logo options with the letter E forming a wing. Quite sharp angles for the moment.

