An image of a shaving brush and a shaving knife, barber style.
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Unsplash


A Catheter And A Shave

Thirteen Years #13: The story of a friend, and his fight with AIDS


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Series: Thirteen Years

70 stories
The photo that changed the face of AIDS — this haunting image of David Kirby’s death, taken by journalism student Therese Frare in 1990, became an iconic image of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. When she took this image during his last moments, she knew something incredible had unfolded in that room.

On the doctor’s round the next morning, he prescribed Isaac tablets for nausea. The doctor wanted him to try it for 24 hours to see whether it would help Isaac eat. The doctor was concerned because Isaac still ran a fever, and the meds they administered didn’t help to break it.

Unfortunately, the tablets didn’t work.

Isaac couldn’t eat more than one or two small pieces of bread and mostly drank only half a cup of tea. Every meal wore him out. It took most of the little energy he had to sit up and attempt to eat. Instead of getting better, Isaac’s condition was getting worse. He was less talkative than he was when he was admitted to the hospital. He had also stopped venting his emotions and concerns when he was alone with Annie.

On his fifth day in the hospital, a group of doctors had a meeting about Isaac’s treatment. They didn’t frequently treat HIV…



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Serial Stories

🦋 Writer: fact & fiction, transgressive & erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋