Melody’s Room #6: Cursed Shadows

Humbaba smiled slyly as he looked at the floor. “You have gained a friend.”

Tim Reed
Serial Stories


Pixabay image by CDD20

The man stops speaking and pauses to let the sinister words sink in.

I sit up, baffled. “A strange thing to say.”

“Indeed, girl, though you will find out the meaning in the next chapter. Patience is a virtue.”

“A virtue, eh?” I scratch my forehead. “Why is that?”

The man drums his fingers…’rat-a-tat’. “It is difficult to explain.”

“Do not brush me off like a child!” I snap, before I can stop myself. “I understand.”

The man stiffens, dreadfully silent. I hold my breath, but eventually he answers in a tight voice. “Patience is important for child and adult alike. It is not something taught — like etiquette, for instance.”

A vision flashes into my head of an old woman, looming over me, thick glasses perched precariously on her nose. She strides around a table, talking sternly, but her words are lost. Shadowy figures listen, recoiling as she jabs fingers in their direction. But looking past the glasses, I see her eyes are kind.

“Girl, are you listening?”

I blink, the memory shattered. “Er…sorry.”

