Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Planning The Day Trips

Thirteen Years #5: The story of a friend, and his fight with AIDS


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Series: Thirteen Years

70 stories
The photo that changed the face of AIDS — this haunting image of David Kirby’s death, taken by journalism student Therese Frare in 1990, became an iconic image of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. When she took this image during his last moments, she knew something incredible had unfolded in that room.

Everyone was up early the next morning, except for Isaac. He appeared downstairs about two hours after the others and looked better than he did the night before.

“Did you sleep well?” Annie asked.

“Like a baby. I’m sorry I’m up so late. I should be ashamed,” Isaac said.

“Not at all. You needed the sleep. And, we’re staying home today, so please, don’t be sorry,” Annie soothed. “Want something to drink?”

“A cup of coffee, but I can make it myself,” Isaac suggested.

“Don’t worry, I want another cup anyway. Jacques, how about you?” she asked her husband, but he declined.

“How about breakfast?” Annie asked her friend.

Isaac jumped up.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” he said and disappeared through the door of the living room. They heard him run…



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Serial Stories

🦋 Writer: fact & fiction, transgressive & erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋