Ranger Green (my AI art)

Fantasy | Erotica

Ranger Green and the Seven Elves

Part One: Ranger Green

Barrington Rogers
Serial Stories
Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2024


You could call me an adventurer, a ranger, travelling the three continents and relying on my sword, bow, and occasionally my dagger to make my way in the world. I have always found it a good idea to not let people know too much about my history, so I always work under an assumed name. “Call me Ranger Green,” I told them, and that was enough. I often wear green, so it works on a number of levels!

I was between jobs in the town of Cove on the east coast of the Westlands, a port town mostly populated by humans like myself, but with some Forest elves from the lands to the north, and Sea elves from the islands of Pryda and Galla in the Narrow Ocean to the east. Some human villagers from the foothills of the Greenhall Mountains came to me with a problem. They were being plagued by an enormous rogue bear. I took the job, and went with the villagers into the hills, then tracked the creature to its cave. I coaxed the beast from his cave and took advantage of the terrain to use my bow on the bear, until I finished him with my sword. It was a bloody affair, but he had killed a number of villagers in the woods thereabouts, so it was certainly a just act as far as the villagers were concerned.

It was an interesting country, with many ravines and caves, so I thought I would explore it before returning to the village. High on a cliff face, a small river issued from a cave, falling to a pool below. The villagers had mentioned something about the Maiden’s Falls and that I should keep away from it, but that only made the place more interesting. Ascending to the cave was actually easier than it had looked, and I found that the gravel bed of the river was much wider than the stream itself, so it was possible to walk farther into the cave. Cautiously I walked in the dim light, although there was neither odour nor sign of a resident. It was becoming too dark to see, and I was thinking it was time to turn back, when I felt a breeze coming from out of the darkness. The breeze smelt of flowers.

Intrigued, I went out of the cave to get materials to make a torch, and returned. The cave wound for some way into the mountain, the pleasantly perfumed breeze becoming more frequent, until I could eventually see light. I passed through a veil of ivy, to a large open sunlight space. It seemed especially beautiful, perhaps after the dark cave, but I have travelled enough of the world to see that there were an unusual number of flowering plants here. High cliffs loomed above me, heading off to each side, and curving inwards. I could not see if the escarpments met because of all the trees that grew in the middle, but I assumed they formed a circle because of the stream which exited through the cave and not through some ravine on the further side. Before me, the river had formed a large clear pool with water-lilies to the side away from the shadow of the cliff.

With a start I realised a log floating in the pool was moving towards me, and I could now see it had a snout, eyes, and a long, sinuously scaly body. I quickly drew an arrow from my quiver and nocked it in my bow, aiming it threateningly. The creature continued to swim swiftly towards me, so I fired. The arrow bounced harmlessly from the scales on its back. I quickly drew my sword and thrust at the creature as it rose from the water with a leap, but it grasped my leg. I pulled out my dagger and brought it hard down into its eye. He released my leg, and I brought it down again hard, with both hands, on his head behind the eyes, and he lay still. To be certain, I thrust again where the scales met his head at the side, hoping to reach an artery, and the blood flowed. The creature never moved again.

My first thought was towards my injured leg, but then I realised something that had not sunk in when I had first seen it. The red substance that spurted from the creature’s wounds was not blood, but small red crystals, like garnets. I looked more closely at the beast. Small scarlet faceted gems still spurted from his wounds. I leaned forward to pick one up, but as I touched the crystal, it seemed to dissolve into my hand. Immediately I became dizzy and slumped forward. My hand went to steady myself, but it landed amongst the blood garnets. Through unfocussed eyes, I saw my hand absorb large numbers of crystals.

My head spinning yet further, I threw myself away from the dead creature, overwhelmed by a debilitating attack of vertigo. I felt hot, as though I was being roasted alive from the inside. My clothes became stifling to me, strangling my body. I tore off my leather jerkin and shirt, feeling unable to breathe with them on me. My head started to slow in its spinning, but still my leggings felt restrictive and tight, so I pulled off my boots and leggings.

My head in my hands, I sat there completely naked while I waited for the world to stop spinning. Eventually my head was still, and I noticed now for the first time that my leg had healed, but more than that, my whole body had changed. Mine was the body of a warrior, lithe and fast, but my body now appeared far more developed, my arms and thighs more like the muscles of a bull than a man. With my sword in my hand I made a few practice moves, and found that I was still as nimble and flexible as I had been before, but far, far more powerful. The sword felt more like a twig than a heavy war-blade. I picked up my bow and drew it. Before now, a powerful bow like that would break my back before it snapped, but I knew that if I wanted, I could snap it like a toothpick. Then I noticed my penis.

Like my body, my penis was now larger, much larger. My hand went to it, and immediately it rose to the sensation of even my own touch. Surprisingly quickly for such a large member, it became vertical and stiff as steel. With both hands I stroked it, and could feel it throb. The pleasure of it was so intense that I thought of going further, but if there were more of these creatures about, I would rather have all of my strength. So I thought of other things for a moment. I did, however, take my dagger and cut open the creature. With my new strength, I cut through its skin easily, and more of the crystals poured out. I reached down and touched them, and absorbed some, but most remained. The vertigo had not been so strong this time, and I could feel the power reaching into my limbs, and member.

Of course it was at this time I thought that perhaps the crystals were actually poisonous, or would create long-term undesirable effects, but as I sadly admitted to myself, I am a man, and no man could resist what was offered by these gems. Still my body felt hot, and I could not bear the thought of clothing, so I made a bag of my cloak to carry my clothes, and using the hood as a purse, filling it with the gems. My quiver went over my back again, with my dagger on the strap at my front. Somehow, putting my sword belt on again felt silly, so I carried the sword in the bag, the hilts protruding for an easy draw.

I walked around the pool and then headed into the woods of this secret vale, curious as to what other magic may be found in it, but also alert for danger.

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