The Librarian (my AI art)

Fantasy | Erotica

Ranger Green and the Seven Elves

Part Three: The Librarian

Barrington Rogers
Serial Stories
Published in
8 min readApr 19, 2024


I walked briskly to the North, alert again for danger. After a while I thought I heard thunder, but then I realised it was not pausing, and was getting closer!

I turned to face the South, and I could see a gigantic black bull charging along the path towards me, its head low, curved horns aimed at me. I knew the best way to face a bull is to not face the bull. As it neared me, I leapt to one side, sword in hand, throwing my bag in the opposite direction. The path was too narrow, with shrubs and trees on each side, for the beast to easily turn, and I ran along the path behind it. Eventually it turned, but it had no momentum. The bull lowered its horns and started towards me, but I brought my sword down, and stepped aside from the horns. It tried to twist as I sidestepped, and his horns gouged me, but I was unharmed, and the bull fell dead to the ground at my feet from the blow by my sword. Red crystals poured from the wound and over my feet. The dizziness was fleeting this time.

I added more of these crystals to my bag, and continued along the path, wondering how many creatures would this Sorceress send? Could I slay them all? The lion was actually relatively easy, and the gore from the bull seemed to have not harmed my stronger body. I actually felt so strong that I might have been able to wrestle the bull to the ground.

Eventually I came to another building, all made of stone, against the South-facing cliff. I knocked politely, and entered. This, clearly, was the library. The large building was filled with books, scrolls and papers. I looked about but could see anyone.

“Hello? Is the Librarian here? The Jeweller sent me.” I heard footsteps and then from behind a bookshelf came an elvish lady with long straight black hair, dark sparkling eyes, and wearing a dark blue gown. In physical appearance, she was unlike any elf I had met.

“Good morning,” she said as she looked me up and down serenely. “You do not have the look of someone seeking a good book.” She graciously walked to a bookshelf which had a staff leaning against it, which she took in her hand.

“The Jeweller sent me,” I said, anxiously. “I need your help.”

“Deep is the knowledge of this library. What is it you wish to know?”

“Firstly, do you know anything about these crystals?”

I reached my hand towards her, filled with crystals. Her delicate brows raised in curiosity and she reached forward to take one, but her fingers absorbed it. She became unsteady and leaned forward, her hand resting on my outstretched hand, filled with crystals. She moaned as her body absorbed all the crystals on my hand and she fell forward towards me, dropping her staff.

“Help me!” she said, pulling at the lacing on her bodice. “It’s suffocating!!”

I took her bodice in both hands and ripped it apart, exposing the burgeoning succulence of her bosom. I held her again to keep her up as the dress fell to the floor.

“What in Providence’s name are those?” she said, looking at her breasts. “What have you done to me?”

With one hand on my chest, she steadied herself on her feet.

“And what is that?!” she said, pointing at my pulsing erect phallus. “You’re saying the Jeweller sent you? This would be her idea of a joke, would it?”

“No, the crystals come from the beasts conjured by the Sorceress. The Jeweller thought you could help me. She seems to think more will be sent to kill me.”

“Does she? Well, for some reason, I am thinking that would be a bad thing. Come along, I think I know a place to hide you.”

Unsteadily, she led me into the library. It was like a labyrinth, with walls and shelves going this way and that. Eventually, we came to a small area surrounded by books, with a lamp and cushions strewn about.

“This is my secret place, I come here to read.”

She directed me to lie down amongst the numerous cushions and knelt next to me. I could see she was looking me up and down.

“The crystals did this to me,” I said.

“Did the Jeweller change also?”


“Did she want to mate with you?”

“Well, yes. She did.”

“And did you?”

“Well, yes.”

“And still this thing is standing like a flagpole?”

“Yes, so it seems.”

“Very well. It so happens that I have been reading these interesting texts from the Eastlands. They have very interesting instructions for practices which I suddenly feel like trying out. Here,” she handed me some large tomes. I flicked through them, and found they contained numerous diagrams of a male and female copulating in various very unusual and original positions.

“I am slightly hesitant, and it occurs to me that perhaps I should try more crystals.”

I opened the bag for her, and with a very slight pause, she plunged both hands into the gems.

“Oh yes!” she gasped, as her body absorbed crystals, and continued to change.

Although still slender, her body became more full and rounded about her breasts and buttocks, her skin began to glow with heat, luminous as though her body had been oiled. The Librarian rose and came to me. Stepping delicately over my prone body, she stood astride my hips. For a while she stood there, looking down at herself. She inhaled sharply as she toyed with her pronouncedly erect nipples, her hips wiggling with the pleasure.

“You know, I have always approved of the elvish lack of sexual dimorphism, but this is actually quite fun.”

Although my mind was generally filled with the desire to get my throbbing cock into her lovely body, I managed to express a confused look.

“The races you humans call elves tend to look pretty similar, whichever gender, unlike humans. I have always thought that human women’s bulbous breasts looked like impractical meat sacks, but now I have them I can see that with a little fondling I am getting so very randy I just want climb onto that monstrous phallus of yours and ride it all day long!”

Then she slowly came down on to my erect penis, with a sharp intake of breath as it entered her. I groaned as she sank down. All the way down went her silky body, her hips wriggling every so often with the pleasure. She wriggled a lot while we explored the positions in those tomes. I was so strong, and she was so light, I easily kept inside her as we went from one frontal position to another.

In each position, we paused for some time as she ground her pelvis into me, or I took the advantage of supporting her weight by nearly retracting myself, and then thrusting into her. One position with me standing and her legs curled up under her worked very well for that. Unlike with the Jeweller, I held back, as I could see there were a lot of positions to get through.

We must have been exploring the treatise for an hour, with her taking notes periodically. She even kindly took notes of which ones I particularly enjoyed. But then we heard something: snuffling, or sniffing, and it was getting closer. I carefully laid her back on the cushions and reached for my sword.

“In the excitement, I forgot my staff, so you are on your own,” she said.

The snuffling got louder and louder. And then it appeared, a gigantic brown wolf. The beast growled and bared its teeth when it saw me and then leapt forward snarling. I immediately stepped forward and plunged my sword into its broad chest. The wolf fell dead at my feet, red crystals pumping out over the floor and over my feet. I was momentarily dizzy again, and could feel the effect of the crystals surge through my body.

“They actually don’t seem much of a threat to you,” she said. “Not yet, anyway. There are six creatures in all, some you already know. The black bull is conjured from the power of Water, the yellow lion from the power of Metal, the brown wolf is Earth, the crocodile is conjured from the power of the Beasts, and there is also the red bull conjured of Fire. The sixth creature is of Air, and will watch you rather than attack you. It is a white falcon and the Sorceress can see things through it. From the power of Plants she cannot conjure a beast. These creatures have always defended the Vale from outsiders, until you came along. However, I believe it is no effort for the Sorceress to conjure more, and she will perhaps conjure more powerful versions, perhaps even whole packs of wolves that fight together. You must either flee the Vale, or you must face the Sorceress. Yes, I would say the latter would be preferable, we have barely started these treatises and some of those positions I would really like to try again. You must find my sisters and convince them to help you, as you have convinced me.”

“Give them crystals and have sex with them?”

“Surely you can convince them with your wit? No! Of course, you must get them to absorb crystals. Believe me, they will thank you for it. I certainly will if I get the opportunity. But you must go now.”

She found a bag and went down on all fours to pick up the crystals.

“Oh!” she said when she touched them, and steadied herself, then after a pause she went back to putting the wolf’s crystals in the bag along with those from my hood. “I think each of the Powers will augment your, um, body. Have you got dizzy each time?”

“Yes, but the effect seems to diminish.”

“Hmm, we shall see when she conjures more. Now go! Leave your things here, take only your weapons and this bag. Follow the path that led you here, it will take you to each of us in turn, first will be the Baker.”

She pushed me out into the daylight again.

“Now go! She will conjure more beasts, and if you tarry here any longer I will have to mount you again. Go!”

“Lady, before I go, I have not met one of your kind before, are you of that race known as the Wise Elves?”

“Yes, my people originally came from the Realm of Peace. Now go!”

I hurried off, relieved that she had not obliterated me at first sight, as the Wise Elf witches were known as the most dangerous beings of all.

