The Baker (my AI art)

Fantasy | Erotica

Ranger Green and the Seven Elves

Part Four: The Baker

Barrington Rogers
Serial Stories
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2024


I started running along the path, but realised that my new larger genitals found the bouncing to be too much fun, so instead, I walked briskly along the path. Cautiously, I went through the glade, alert for danger, but after a while I began to smell the odours of a bakery. Eventually, a building came into view, a round stone structure with a big chimney in the middle.

Inside the bakery it was sweltering, with open fires in four directions, in two directions brick ovens were over the fires while in the other directions spits and cauldrons were ready to use. In the centre of the room was a large table, and working at the table making pastry was an elf-maid. By the look of here she was a Pryda Island Sea-elf, with a petite, slender body and pale skin like all her kind, but with red curling hair, and blue eyes. She looked at me warily as I approached, wiping the flour from her small hands onto her apron, rolling up her sleeves, and taking a firm grip on her rolling pin.

“Dearie me,” she said with a sing-song Prydain accent, and gave me a critical eye. “What’ll ye be after? Not sausages, I’ll wager. I’m thinking you have enough of that as it is!” She glanced down to between my thighs.

“Hello,” I said, smiling. “Are you the Baker? I have been sent by the Librarian to show you these.” I opened the bag and showed her the crystals.

The Baker looked at me suspiciously, raising one eyebrow with a dubious expression. Even though she was much smaller than me and armed only with a rolling pin, she gave off an aura, suggesting she was someone to be reckoned with. Cautiously, she sidled over and put her free hand in amongst the crystals. Immediately, she dropped the rolling pin and leaned forward into me, suddenly gasping for air. With one hand resting on me, she started to pull at her apron.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Aye, I can’t breathe. It’s too bloody hot.”

I pulled at the bindings, and the apron fell to the ground. She pulled at her gown, and I helped her take that off too. The Baker stood against me now, naked, as her body changed before my eyes. The elf’s pale skin glistened and glowed as the flesh below it grew. Her breasts enlarged and her nipples became hard, while hips widened, and buttocks swelled fulsomely. The Baker’s eyes grew wide, looking down at her glistening body.

“What the feck have you done to me?”

Delicate fingers swept over her skin and up to her nipples, making her body shudder and her breast heave.

“By the Lady, I am so feckin’ horny!”

Her slender body before had been beautiful, but now in its more bounteous form, it was made for pleasure. She looked up into my eyes, and clearly her attitude had changed, although perhaps the fierceness of her gaze had not. Forcefully, she pulled me towards her and brought my lips down towards hers.

As we kissed passionately, our tongues delving deeply and writhing like snakes, I could feel her pull me as she backed towards the table. Sitting on the table’s edge, she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me towards her. With one arm, she held me close, while the other went to my massive throbbing phallus, stroking the pulsing head. I reciprocated, fingering the moist lips between her thighs. She was hot like fire, and wet with desire to feel me in her. Together we pushed the head of my cock down until it nestled between her lips, and I thrust slowly into her. She groaned as my phallus slowly went deeper and deeper.

“Oh feck!” She groaned. “I’ll never be cruel to a sausage again!”

She lay back onto the flour-covered table and was at a perfect position for me to withdraw almost completely and then thrust in again to the hilt. This seemed perfectly acceptable to her, so I repeated this, building up speed. The power and passion seemed to suit her temperament.

“Oh, aye!” she cried. “Harder, ye fecker!”

I obliged, feeling the heat of her body repeatedly envelop my throbbing cock. After some time of this, her groans and cries became louder and more frequent, until with one great howl of pleasure I felt her body climax, and I too came into her.

“That was fecking amazing! I feel like a well-baked sausage-stuffed roll, with cream icing. Have ye eaten?” She sat up on the table.

“Ah, no, not recently. These creatures are trying to kill me, and the Librarian said I should talk to all of your sisters.”

“Ye mean have sex with them? Aye, that ye should. Watch out for yon Blacksmith, she can get a wee bit surly. Here, let me give ye a pie to eat on the road.”

She came out of the kitchen building with me, where we found something was waiting for me. A large angry something.

“Here,” she said. “I’ll hold your pie.”

Standing on the path ahead of me was another bull, this one was copper-coloured like her hair, and had blazing eyes. He bellowed with anger when he saw me, and after some brief pawing, he charged. Unfortunately for him, he charged with such complete recklessness and fury, he neglected the fact that a rather solid stone building was behind me. I dodged out of the way and he slammed into the hard stone of the building. While he was dazed, my sword pierced him to the heart, and he fell dead, red crystals spewing out onto my feet. As the Librarian had predicted, I felt the power of the crystals sweep through my body again.

“Do ye think he is edible?” she asked. “Aye well, there’s only one way to find out!”

She went into the bakery and came out with some butchery knives and started carving while I collected many crystals to add to my bag.

“Aye, it should be fine, certainly if it is minced. Now you carry on along this path and ye will meet the Weaver. She is very nice, but a wee bit odd.”

I thanked her, then proceeded along the path, eating the pie as I walked.

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