The Smith (my AI art)

Fantasy | Erotica

Ranger Green and the Seven Elves

Part Six: The Smith

Barrington Rogers
Serial Stories
Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2024


Once more I walked along the path, until I could hear clanging ahead.

“This must be the Smith,” I said to myself, but what I saw ahead of me could not be the Smith, for a creature stood there. The beast was like the great lizard I saw when I first came into the vale, but it stood on two feet, like a cross between the beast and a man. In its hands, it bore a great axe.

I then heard the clanging continue, so indeed she was near, but this creature is another of the Sorcerer’s beasts, and it meant to kill me.

With a ferocious growl it ran towards me, axe aloft for a crushing blow. I easily deflected the axe aside with my sword and continued the move to thrust my sword through his soft throat and out through the back of his head. The Sorceress had clearly thought that an armed beast was more dangerous, without thinking that the beast would need to be trained to use the weapon. I have trained for many years with my weapons, and this was a simple encounter.

When the Smith saw me coming, she moved towards her forge and plunged the steel into the coals. Warily her dark eyes watched me as I approached, in one hand a hammer, in the other a red-hot iron. She was a Desert-elf from the Southlands, with nut-brown skin and long flowing hair as black as night, tied behind her head. Like most elf-kind she was slender and not as tall as a human, although the Desert elves are taller than the Forest elves from the forests and the islands.

“Hello!” I said, trying not to appear too desperate, or too charming, or too much of anything. This entire game of tricking women to touch crystals that made them want to have sex with me was becoming…difficult. She raised one eyebrow and looked me up and down. She seemed to decide I was not a threat, so she took her hand away from the hot iron, and rested her hammer on the anvil.

“So, are you what the fuss was about? I just had a very improbable crocodile-man, a wolf-man, and a bull-man come to me from the Sorceress asking for weapons. Are you another sort of man-beast? You don’t look like a normal human, are you half-orc?”

“I’m afraid that would indeed be me, but no, I am just a man. I wandered into this vale and some other of her beasts attacked me. From their veins, these crystals flowed instead of blood.”

I opened the bag to show her. She looked at them dubiously.

“I absorbed them into my body and changed, becoming as you see me now.”

“So, these made you stronger? Have any of my sisters seen them?”

“Yes, almost all.”

“And they became stronger?”

“Possibly, but they certainly changed.”

“In what way?”

“Well, they became more, um, womanly might be the term? And I will admit they all wanted to have sex with me afterwards. They are hoping I will get all of you to unite against the Sorceress, perhaps so that I might stay.”

“Interesting. Even the Librarian?”

“We explored one of her texts for some hours.”

“Well, in all honesty, I haven’t had a good fuck in far too long, and that impressive tool of yours had me persuaded already, but I will see what the crystals do. They sound like fun.”

She left the hammer at the forge and took my bag, placing it on a worktable, and plunging both hands into it. Once more, I watched the arousing transformation of an already beautiful elf-maid into a luminous creature of burgeoning desire. She had used her bench to stay stable, and when steady, she quickly took off her leather apron and threw aside her short tunic. I started to move towards her, my cock throbbing with desire, but she held out her hand to stop me.

“Wait, I want to try something first.”

Reaching out her hand, she picked up the hammer, then flicked it up into the air and caught it. Then she reached for a heavier hammer, with a long handle for two hands. She lifted it with one hand at the bottom of the handle, extending her arm fully as though holding a twig, and then brought it down onto the anvil with a loud clang.

“I have a strong urge to hammer some large pieces of hot steel, but first, we fuck.”

We grappled each other like wrestlers, lips pressing hard together. Her earthy lust set me back, and I found myself with my buttocks against the cold anvil. Following her intent, I sat on the anvil, and allowed her to stretch one leg over me as she guided my phallus between her thighs.

“Oh fuck yes!” she cried as my member went deep inside her.

She writhed with it in her fully, then started thrusting forward and backwards with her hips. Deeply she groaned as her torso writhed and her hips moved backwards and forwards, and I squeezed her breasts like they were bellows.

“Now I know how red hot steel feels,” she said. “I think we need to change positions.”

She got off me and stood unsteadily for a moment as I vacated the position on the anvil. Now it was her time to back towards the anvil, pulling me towards her. The Smith lay back, and I grasped her hips firmly, thrusting my cock into her.

“Yes! Pound my hot body with your massive tool!”

I set about fulfilling her wishes, and hammered into her as powerfully as my body enabled, which actually was very powerful indeed. It would probably have injured someone that had not been changed by the crystals.

I built up a steady rhythm of long powerful thrusts as she groaned with delight while fondling her breast. I was rather delighted myself. Eventually I could feel her start to spasm and she started making “oh” noises. I too, started to feel my cock pulse, and then once again I came to a thundering and messy climax, and she screamed when I filled her.

“That was better than I remembered it. It’s like we are made to fuck thanks to those crystals. So how many of my sisters have you worked like that?”

“Um, five so far.”

“And how many times have you fucked a woman in a day before now?”

“Well, possibly about the same, but over the entire day.”

“So you think you could go again?”


“Well then, you had better go and find the Bootmaker. We call her Booty for short. Keep going along the path, I will probably follow in a minute. But wait, come with me.”

She then led me into a side-room of her smithy, to find it was filled with weapons.

“I actually don’t have much need to make weapons. Well, not at all really. I just like making them, and sometimes I beat them into something else. This is where those amusing creatures found some weapons, but the nicest are in here.”

The Smith went to a chest in the back of the room, in it were some finer objects wrapped in oiled cloths. Towards the bottom, she found a very large sword.

“This took some hammering I can tell you. See how you like it.”

It was a two-handed weapon, a knight’s weapon rather than normal for a ranger like me, but I hefted it like it was for one hand. I stepped from the room, and went through some positions with it, feeling the weight. It would have been far too heavy even for the strongest knight, but for me, it felt light and the balance was good.

“I could probably make a better today, but it should fit your body well. Leave your old sword here for now. If the crystals ever stop working, you can have it back! In the meantime, you need to go and fuck Booty and probably deal with those creatures.”

As I started walking away, she called out again.

“Oh! And if you find any grey wolves or lynxes sniffing around you, don’t kill them, or that will piss her off!”

I took sword and bag in hand and jogged along the path until my cock slapping against my thighs reminded me to just walk briskly. It was not long before I come across a wolf, but it was a brown one on two legs and brandishing a sword. I did not pause but kept walking towards him as he saw me and charged. With brutal strength, I swept the sword from his hand and brought my new blade down on his head, cleaving him in two.

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