A novella in 30 chapters

Stingaree Bay: Chapter 19

Uncharted Waters

Steve Fendt
Serial Stories
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2024


Cartoon: a small sailing boat with a lipstick kiss logo on the mainsail and the letters ‘A M’ painted on the hull speeds towards a red-and-black buoy (an ‘isolated danger’ beacon).
‘Wind in Her Sails’ by Steve Fendt*

‘It’s a wee bit smaller than I expected,’ observed Tasha. ‘Very pretty, though,’ she added, trying to conceal her scepticism.

‘Oh, it’s quite a good size, really,’ said Tony, with a slight defensive note in his voice. ‘It just looks small in comparison with the neighbours. Eight metres is really all you need, to have a lot of fun.’

Tasha regarded the wooden yacht rocking gently in its marina pen. The varnished cabin roof gleamed almost painfully in the afternoon sun, the spotless cream hull reflected in the rippled water. This little boat was clearly loved by its owner.

‘I’m sure you’re right. I’m looking forward to it. The fun.’

He stepped aboard with the confident agility of long use.

Nice legs, she thought, observing his tanned, muscled calves. Those short trousers and boat shoes really suit him …

She wondered whether her blue sleeveless dress and dainty white espadrilles were suitable sailing attire.

Probably I look silly. Will it be cold out on the water? I hope my hat doesn’t blow off …

She had been reluctant to admit that this was her first time on board a yacht. There was no point in ceding the…



Steve Fendt
Serial Stories

https://stevefendt.substack.com Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.