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Submit To Serial Stories

The home for all fictional and non-fictional stories of five chapters or more (last update: 21.06.2024)

Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2022


As many of you might have noticed, once a week I post a chapter of the series, Thirteen Years. I publish that series on ‘Serial Stories’, a publication I created a couple of months ago.

Why Serial Stories?

I used to post the chapters for Thirteen Years with a different publication, but there was no guarantee a chapter would publish on the day I submitted it, or even the day after. Now, I absolutely get that all editors are busy, so this is no critique directed towards anyone. Therefore, please don’t read it as such.

This has more to do with me wanting each next part of my story out on a specific day. Because of the irregular publishing of each part — sometimes within an hour after submission, sometimes three days later — I started my own publication.

From the moment I created the publication, I played with the idea of opening it to others too, and that moment now has come.

Submission Guidelines for Serial Stories

Please consider the following submission guidelines before you request to be added as…



🦋 Writer: fact & fiction, transgressive & erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋