A novelette in 20 chapters

Telling the Bees: Chapter 17

Collateral Damage

Steve Fendt
Serial Stories
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2024


A large snake (Australian Eastern Brown Snake) on a forest path.
‘Death in the Afternoon’ by Steve Fendt

It would be quick. Would it also be horribly painful? She had no idea.

She regarded the eastern brown. Such a pretty snake: slender, lustrous brown above, fawn below. Its delicate head made mousey little movements: tiny darts to left and to right, tasting the air, as it crossed a single pace in front of her.

It would save a lot of bother. She could sit down by the trail, in the midst of this glorious forest, perform some gentle yoga exercises and coax the venom from her lymphatic system into her bloodstream, thence to stop her heart.

But then, wouldn’t it be a shame? To scare this innocent animal into an unnecessary attack?

Almost too late. The whiplike tail was sliding away into the leaf litter.

It was gone. Too late now.

If she had been there one pace, one heartbeat earlier, would their destinies have entwined? It would have been so easy, had she been taken unawares, not given the opportunity to dither.

Tom would have been distraught, of course. But then, Tom was going to be distraught sooner rather than later anyway. Did it matter when, exactly?



Steve Fendt
Serial Stories

https://stevefendt.substack.com Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.