A novelette in 20 chapters

Telling the Bees: Chapter 18


Steve Fendt
Serial Stories
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2024


Ancient mossy trunk of a giant tree in temperate Australian rainforest.
‘Wildwood’ by Steve Fendt

‘That was uncalled for. Henry is very upset.’

‘Henry? Who the hell is Henry?’

‘My godson,’ Jason continued, his voice even, mellifluous, oblivious to her rudeness. ‘He’s staying with us for a few days over New Year. The little fellow is non-verbal and very difficult to reach. That toy drone is a Christmas present from his grandfather. It’s very dear to his heart.’

‘As is our privacy to ours.’

‘We have explained to him about flying over neighbours’ property, believe me, but it’s difficult to make him understand. When something or someone attracts his curiosity, he can get rather obsessive. He seems quite taken by young, ah, Lottie. He didn’t mean to cause any offence. He’s just … well, he’s just a thirteen-year-old boy.’

‘And by the way,’ the suave voice continued, ‘respect for neighbours’ privacy goes both ways, dear Amélie.’

Ah, so she had been spotted, that time at the fence.

‘Anyway, we’d appreciate it if you could return the drone.’

‘I think not.’

‘It is Henry’s property, and quite an expensive model. If Tom could just drop it in our mailbox. Or I could …’



Steve Fendt
Serial Stories

https://stevefendt.substack.com Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.