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The Dream a Wish Show (2)

Thirteen Years #2: The story of a friend, and his fight with AIDS


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Series: Thirteen Years

70 stories
The photo that changed the face of AIDS — this haunting image of David Kirby’s death, taken by journalism student Therese Frare in 1990, became an iconic image of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. When she took this image during his last moments, she knew something incredible had unfolded in that room.

“Does he have a support system there?”

“South Africa is a very conservative country, even though it might now be less so than when I lived there. However, some things are just not spoken about, such as HIV. Not because of the illness, but because of the belief that only gay men get it.”

Annie’s voice was picking up speed, and because this was a subject she felt strongly about, she reverted to speaking more in Afrikaans than in Dutch.

“When I grew up, gay people — or anyone who differed from the so-called ‘norm’ — were looked upon as being ‘weird’ and ‘dirty’. Because of this, people with HIV were treated differently from others. I want Isaac to see how broad-minded this country is. My experience is here they accept and respect people for who they are,” Annie closed her heated account.



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Serial Stories

🦋 Writer: fact & fiction, transgressive & erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋