Jack Arnold Writes…

The Outrageous Frankie and Dolores #3 — People and Places Part One

‘This Odyssey takes place in various locations in England and in Spain’.

Jack Arnold
Serial Stories


Series: The Outrageous Frankie and Dolores


I hope you will enjoy this
story. It is appropriate to
advise readers that ‘The Outrageous
Frankie and Dolores’ does in parts
contain details of explicit sexual
activity, and transgressive behaviour.
It also freely uses sexual and gender
stereotypical descriptions of the
characters and their behaviour.

All of the sexual activity is completely
consensual, and the characters who take
part are always over the age of consent.

If this is not for you, turn the page and
move on. But if you are curious to know
what happens next, then I encourage you
to give this series a read.

It might just surprise you!
A portrait of a very forward young lady the English Countryside. (A few minutes after the photographer left, she was naked and rolling with abandon in the grass with a gentleman caller she hardly knew). Public Domain Photograph.

Greetings Chums,

We are now a couple of episodes into this romp. (If you want to read from the beginning, then CLICK HERE)

It’s time for readers to get to know the world that Frankie and Dolores live in. ‘People and Places’ will appear occasionally throughout this series. It provides a little background.


Belton Priory.

You might not have heard of Belton Priory. Not many people have. It is a small village tucked away in the remnants of the Ancient Forest of Arden, a secluded, almost forgotten part of middle England. It is where Frankie and Dolores made their home. A quiet out of the way place, where you’d think nothing much happens. You’d be wrong.

It began as a settlement serving the monastery built in the seventh century by Friars of the Order of Augustine, seeking a life of solitary contemplation in the forest. Today all the visible traces of their religious buildings have vanished, but the village which bears its name remains.

It is a small, quiet, insular community. Cottages line leafy lanes leading to the village green with a duck pond. It has a pub, The Ancient Oake, a shop, a tiny church, and a village hall. Belton Priory is everything you can imagine a quintessential English village to be.

But for outsiders, it is not an easy place to find. The village was never recorded on the Ordnance Survey map of the British Isles. It seems the land surveyors never found it. For that reason, there are no road signs marking the way. Those who discover the village do so either by following residents' instructions, or by complete chance. Those who do reach it are often unable to find it again in the maze of narrow lanes that crisscross the forest.

Generations of the same families have lived in the village without much interference from the outside world. They have their own ways of living. Belton Priory was the perfect place for Frankie and Dolores to begin their new lives together.

Belton Priory Farm.

The Jones family has farmed Belton Priory Farm at the edge of the village for generations. The land has been under cultivation since the seventh century, when it began supplying produce to the Priory.

Today the farm is run by the eldest son, Farmer Alan Jones, with his sister Alice Jones, and Farmer Alan’s only son, Little Alan Jones.

In case you are wondering, as far back as can be remembered, each generation of the Jones family has named their first-born son Alan. He is known as ‘Little Alan’ until he takes over the farm, when he becomes ‘Farmer Alan.’

Farmer Alan is a confirmed bachelor. His son, Little Alan, is the result of a Belton Priory Rugby Club outing to watch an international match in Paris. It was there, during a wild after-match victory party, a hazy night of heavy drinking, that sex must have taken place.

Ten months later, a Parisian lady-of-the-night, who Farmer Alan couldn’t actually remember, miraculously appeared at the farmhouse door. With a Parisian flourish, followed by a mouthful of animated French expletives, ‘Mademoiselle Fifi’, so Farmer Alan tells the story, dumped a baby boy into his arms, and disappeared back into the night, never to be seen again. Back to the fleshpots of ‘Gay-Paree’, he assumed. It is all a bit of a mystery.

Farmer Alan was surprisingly delighted with events and readily accepted the situation. He suddenly had an heir to take over the farm, and he could continue his bachelor life. He also had someone to look after him in his old age. It was a win-win situation, especially after his sister Alice, a confirmed spinster with no plans to leave the farm, said she would help him bring up the child. And that’s what happened.

As far back as can be remembered, the Jones family were blessed with excessive sexuality, as will become clear as you read.

Males are genetically endowed with python-like cocks and have the ability to maintain erections for days and days. Farmer Alan and son Little Alan both have monsters between their legs which regularly delight many village ladies. It is a reason both enjoy the carefree bachelor life. The male line is also inclined towards other male company. Father and son often enjoy the regular relief a large cock brings, usually each other’s.

Females are wild, raven-haired, buxom beauties. Sister Alice is no exception. Whilst genetically inclined toward the ladies, all are experts in tending to the needs of their families python like cocks, often sharing the same family bed. Sister Alice is a perfect example of Jones' family womanhood. She has enjoyed the attention of father and son, usually together ever since she was old enough.

Belton Priory farm lies at the edge of Belton Priory village and is accessed from a tiny lane by a long-unmarked drive. It is a very private place. The lane leads into the farmyard surrounded by the rambling farmhouse, barn, and a collection of outbuildings.

Behind the farmhouse, there is a secluded walled garden, with a surprisingly ornate Victorian bathhouse and conservatory in the middle. It was built in better times by Farmer Alan’s Great, Great, Grandfather, for his family to enjoy all together. The Jones family has a long history of incestuousness.

Sadly, today the bathhouse is neglected and in a state of disrepair. But it stands patiently waiting to be brought back to life. Family relations these days take place mostly in one or other of the farmhouse’s seven bedrooms, or in the great parlour.

For Frankie and Dolores, Belton Priory Farm would become central to their many activities, and the Jones family would become the perfect people to share their new life of pleasure.

The Jones Family.

Alice and her brother Alan have both lived at Belton Priory Farm since they were very young. Their Grandfather had no sons, only a daughter, their mother, Lucinda. She had no interest in farming or finding a farmer husband. Ever since her first dancing lesson in the village hall, she desired a life in show business.

At seventeen, Lucinda left home to look for work as a dancer. Good fortune and her talent led her to find work in the chorus-lines of London’s theatres and music halls. Eventually she found her place as part of a small touring company performing erotic cabaret style shows to aristocratic audiences at Country House Party weekends on large private estates, and exclusive private dining clubs in England and throughout Europe.

After leaving the farm, Lucinda returned home only twice. First with her son Alan and then two years later with her daughter Alice. Each time her father believed his daughter’s tales of being taken advantage of by unscrupulous gentlemen, and agreed to take in the children, whilst she returned to her career on the stage. Sadly, Lucinda was thought to have drowned after falling from a sailing yacht in the Mediterranean. Too much Champagne was the likely cause.

In truth, Farmer Alan, a childless widower, was only too grateful to have family back at the farm. Both Alan and Alice grew to love the farming life and eventually took over the farm together.

Both Alice and her brother had their mother’s wild extrovert ways and inclinations. They spent their childhood on the farm in a world of glorious freedom. Grandfather kept them naked in the summertime roaming the fields, free to express themselves in whatever ways they choose.

They chose sex. Alice was the first girl to discover the power of Alan’s erections and his ability to maintain them. He was the boy who gave her the very first orgasm, and showed her how potent her sexuality was.

As the pair reached puberty and beyond, their playfulness turned into intense sexuality as they experimented with their bodies and with each-other. Sex between brother and sister happened and happened often. Grandfather was pleased to see it. Farming families on the remote farms had always amused themselves. Incestuous relations were a normal way of living.

Alice, as a young woman, was delighted by the effect of her body, and enjoyed the brazen inclinations of lust and depravity she incited in her brother, her grandfather and the boys and men who laboured on the farm.

She did not stop there; Alice had a stream of village girls calling for sex.

She loved the attention, and it was the same for her brother. Jones males were blessed with an endless sex drive. Alan desired and usually fucked every one of his sister’s conquests. In fact, brother and sister fucked almost everyone who came down the farm drive. They never married or wanted too.

The arrival of Frankie and Dolores into their world was ‘manna from heaven’.



Jack Arnold
Serial Stories

Jack Arnold is a Literary Heteronym. He writes creative non-fiction for readers who enjoy his style of ‘Risque Literature'.