A novella in 21 chapters

The Plot: Chapter 1


Steve Fendt
Serial Stories
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2024


‘Coffee Time’ by Steve Fendt


It was Uschi’s turn for the school run. Leah had an hour to herself.

There’d been a cancellation, so her first case, a tricky fractured molar, wasn’t until ten. If she left the house at nine fifteen, she calculated, she should avoid the worst of the school drop-off traffic.

She’d treat herself to a second coffee. A proper one. Sit in the quiet kitchen, catch up on the agenda for the evening’s council meeting.

She enjoyed the rituals that surrounded her old stove-top espresso pot. Unscrewing the base; checking the gasket and filter; filling the reservoir with water to just below the valve; inserting the funnel; tamping down the fine-ground coffee; enjoying its nutty aroma in anticipation of a steaming, bitter cup of blackness. Setting it on the stove and waiting for that delicious throaty bubbling, the final hiss of steam.

They’d been given one of those capsule machines. A wedding present from Uschi’s older sister. It sat there on the bench, its metallic red plastic a parody of the enamelled Art Deco monsters which hulked and hissed in many a Melbourne coffee shop.

It had wifi and Bluetooth.



Steve Fendt
Serial Stories

https://stevefendt.substack.com Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.