A novella in 21 chapters

The Plot: Chapter 2

Borrowed Time

Steve Fendt
Serial Stories
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2024


‘Borrowed Time’ by Steve Fendt


Jorja had kept her mouth shut for as long as she could. Now, with Tim’s blatant come-on from the night before fresh in her mind, she opened it.

How could Ruby be so blind?

Was she so desperate to have a boyfriend — any boyfriend? Could she not see that the odious Tim treated her like a doormat? That he tried it on with all her girlfriends? That this child-man’s rampant ego had as much self-control as his rampant cock?

Which was to say: none at all?

As she heard the torrent of words tumble out of her own mouth, she was horrified by the swift unravelling of her situation.

She was talking herself out of her last refuge before the street. Unless she STFU, she was going to be spending tonight under a bridge.

A homeless woman could not afford to have attitude, principles, pride. Could not afford to give her best friend necessary, timely, yet unpalatable advice.

Yet here she was, holding forth as if she were the tenant of this house and not a lowly, couchsurfing nobody.

Mum had always said her big gob would get her into trouble one day.



Steve Fendt
Serial Stories

https://stevefendt.substack.com Short stories, serial fiction, memoirs of a possibly quasi-true nature. Stories of the Australian beach and bush.