Image of a sign against a slope, blue sky in the background and brownish grass on the slope. The sign reads ‘Answers 1km’.
Photo by Hadija Saidi on Unsplash


Answers To Questions

Thirteen Years #44: The story of a friend, and his fight with AIDS


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Series: Thirteen Years

70 stories
The photo that changed the face of AIDS — this haunting image of David Kirby’s death, taken by journalism student Therese Frare in 1990, became an iconic image of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. When she took this image during his last moments, she knew something incredible had unfolded in that room.

Annie wrote Isaac a long letter in which she also told him Myra was off from work, since she suffered from depression. Myra cried most of the day, and she didn’t feel well at all.

Annie was curious to know whether Isaac had lately heard anything from Myra or Joe. She also uttered her concern about Isaac’s financial position if the medical board would go through. She knew there were only two things he could choose from: being medically boarded or an early retirement. Annie advised him to sign the papers only once he knew exactly what the financial risks were.

Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 11:45:13

Hello there dear friends,

Thank you for your email. I will try to answer all your questions in the last two mails.

I use a sleeping tablet every night. I don’t think it is necessary, but I am so used to the tablets, it…



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Serial Stories

🦋 Writer: fact & fiction, transgressive & erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋